Another week is out of the way, and it's been filled with lots of cool retro news. That fake Kevin Costner's Waterworld game from The Simpsons? Hey, it's a real thing now! And what about the news that Windows 95 had a unique approach to fixing a bug in SimCity? We also found out something new about the original WipEout logo which means you can't look at the number 8 in the same way again.
As for feature content, it was a packed week as ever:
- Best PS2 Games
- Expensive, Bulky And Unreliable - But I Still Love My Original Donkey Kong Coin-Op
- Building The Ultimate Sega Dreamcast
- Top Hat Gaming Man, Lady Decade And A Photo Of Ray Harryhausen
- A Handheld History - 270 Pages Of Love For Portable Gaming
- Persona Only Exists Because Atlus Switched Directions 35 Years Ago
But that was the past week! We now want to focus on what we're unwinding with this weekend. Here goes!
Damien McFerran, Editorial Director
As was the case last week, I still can't put my Analogue Pocket down. The system keeps getting new cores, while the existing ones are improved with new features. We also got a new firmware update recently, so the system really is growing in potential all the time.
Jack Yarwood, Staff Writer
This weekend I’m going to find the time to play The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow, a new point-and-click adventure from Cloak and Dagger Games and Wadjet Eye. I’ve been following its development on Twitter ever since it was called INCANTAMENTUM, and can’t wait to dig into its folksy Victorian horror story.
So, what are you playing this weekend? Let us know with a comment below!
Comments 10
Gonna crack open the paddle controller on my Taito EGRET ][ Mini. Otherwise the usual Switch related shenanigans, including "Arcade Paradise".
Rush 2049 on my N64.
Treasures of the Aegean on my Switch and Just Cause 3 on my PS4
Still chipping away at Phoenotopia Awakening — man that game is vast; just wish the fast travel was a bit better implemented, done SO much backtracking so far...
I'm getting in the seasonal spirit with some Tormented Souls on PC and Resident Evil 2 on the Dreamcast
I'm playing more Golden Sun (I love that game) and I recently picked up Prince of Persia: Sands of Time for the GBA.
For Halloween playing, going to be playing some Amnesia (never played it before) and Blasphemous. I think Blasphemous might be one of the best modern retro games ever made.
Playing some more Master System this weekend and also dusting off my GBA for some castlevania because I felt the need. I’ll also be playing some SNES/Mega Drive on my switch while I’m away from home receiving dialysis, that switch has been my trusted buddy during these times! Have a great weekend everyone!
A bit of Thunder force 3, followed by Allen 3 the Gun, and Sega Star wars arcade trilogy. Emulated amazingly on my mini pc. Thunder force 3 original tech though:)
So far I've played some Rod Land on Evercade, Amoured Warriors, Turtles in Time (arcade version), Giga Wing and Pinball FX3 on Switch and Strange Horticulture on Steam Deck. The latter has sucked me in far more than I ever expected it to.
Well I’ve just got an Xbox Series X so not so much playing as waiting for all my games to transfer over from my Xbox One!
I have been able to play through the original Turtles arcade game on the Cowabunga collection on Switch though. Excellent collection so far!
Just got back from the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and picked up some great stuff.
Main one I'll be playing is Link to the Past! Got a SNES not long ago and have been meaning to pick this one up!
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