There are a few different ways this review could have started. Lamenting that officially licensed video games based on blockbuster movies have had a rough history (to put it politely), or the even more disappointing tales of movies that have used gaming franchise IPs as source material. Whichever way you cut the proverbial cheese, the two mediums just can't seem to get into a groove. The irony is that the more executives and film studios try, the worse it seems to get, and on the other side games based directly on movies have often been confined (recently) to mobile. Of course, historically there are exceptions and noble attempts, which gives hope whenever these tie-ins come around.
Californian developer WayForward certainly has a very good pedigree when it comes to 2D action platformers, so when the relatively surprising announcement arrived regarding its most recent title - The Mummy Demastered - there was at least cautious optimism. What was more interesting was that it was connected to this summer's Universal monster movie reboot of The Mummy. As the genesis of the studio's grand plan to build a new 'Dark Universe', the rebooted Mummy movie nevertheless got buried by Wonder Woman at the box office and in publicity, seemingly passing by quite quietly. This in turn makes it all the more fantastic that not only did this game see the light of day at all, but judged on its own merits (to cut a long story short), it's brilliant.

To the well informed, this should come as little surprise, considering the developer has the acclaimed Shantae series, DuckTales: Remastered, DS gem Aliens: Infestation and many more on its CV. The pleasant surprise comes from how the game has taken influences from the glory days of 16-bit two dimensional classics that don't involve an Italian plumber, and delivers something so well crafted and fun that it has every right to stand alongside prestigious contemporaries such as Axiom Verge and Cave Story; it maybe even gets close to what a certain shovel wielding hero managed to achieve for side scrolling platformers in 2014.
The Mummy Demastered - at its core - takes cues from series such as Contra, Castlevania and Metroid. Based around a squad of elite paramilitaries known as the Prodigium Organisation, they are burdened with the task of finding and eliminating the recently resurrected ancient princess Ahmanet. Guided by a mysterious chap via a codec-like intercom, you assume the role of an unnamed masked trooper looking for the rest of your team and start out with a gun, infinite ammo, and not much else. Taking down beasties, sword flinging skeletons and other bigger, badder and generally more creepy crawlies, you will traverse platforms, interior and exterior environments, learn new abilities, pick up health upgrades and additional weapons (of which you can only carry a certain amount, requiring you to switch at designated locations), while you unlock new areas and explore an ever expanding, large and varied interconnected world.

The overall presentation of The Mummy Demastered is stellar. Whether it be graveyards, forests doused in moonlight or the gloomy London Underground, each environment is beautifully detailed. The incredible soundtrack, courtesy of Gavin 'Monomer' Allen, is a blend of pounding and ominous yet ambient techno and neo-gothic synth chiptune, suiting both the environments and atmosphere perfectly. From the architecture and vehicles to the rolling or crouching of the titular hero, animations are superb - whether bobbing when idle or swaying when undead, all of the sprites have a kinetic energy and pace to them that is smooth and mostly seamless in motion. Insects flutter and scuttle, sand or mist drapes outside scenery and smog engulfs underground passages.
Controls are also tight - simply running and shooting is as effective as it is risky, but holding ZR will 'anchor' the character to allow free aiming in 45 degree increments. Combined with a changeable jump distance and various abilities later on that require a greater amount of dexterity, everything feels natural and effective. Platforming and shooting is immensely satisfying, especially when dealing with the range of supernatural foes. With some enemies continually respawning you'd be forgiven for thinking that things get stale or predictable. Despite sometimes needing to do a little resource farming the gunplay is fluid and brisk, which is handy as some enemies can hone in on your specific location from various directions. There is also an unobtrusive mini map (which can also be accessed in full by pressing '-') providing just enough geography to not get frustrating while avoiding handholding. Some of the enemy placement can feel a little cheap considering their speed, but the action is always plentiful, tense, and sometimes tactical.

The crux of The Mummy Demastered is the manner in which it handles life and death. Starting out with a health counter that can be upgraded, if (when) you die, you will become an undead reincarnation, and you will then start again from your most recent save point but stripped of all your gear. The kicker is that locating and defeating your zombified predecessor will allow you to reclaim all the weapons, ammo and health upgrades you had on your previous run. Despite being reminiscent of the developer's previous movie IP tie-in Aliens: Infestation - where if a marine falls in battle, another is drafted in to take their place - in that case the number of chances was finite.
The emphasis here is as much on survival as it is about progression, as there is no limit to the amount of times you can die and therefore revive. The parallel micro-management of not only journeying through the meaty adventure, but also being more mindful around hazards or enemies than in the average run and gun, is as refreshing as it is enthralling. Die twice in the same place, for example, and you'll have two of your previous avatars to dispose of.
Taking on the game's massive bosses is a visual spectacle, too. They're often articulate, gorgeously rendered and sometimes ruthlessly tough monsters that are on the bullet sponge side, but nonetheless enjoyable. Despite the game running almost completely fine in handheld mode, they truly are worth savouring and tackling on the big screen.

While the game is technically and aesthetically superb, the minor letdowns are the characters themselves. Your mentor / guide is distant, the antagonist pops up and disappears at regular intervals and as a masked, nameless recurring paratrooper; as a result it is difficult to apply any kind of personality to proceedings. However, if you aren't that interested in another protagonist or universe to rival the caliber found in broader adventures elsewhere, then it's even more negligible, as there is a rich, challenging and thoroughly enjoyable experience on offer here.
They say don't judge a book by its cover, and you shouldn't judge this game based on its movie tie-in; with The Mummy Demastered, WayForward may have reached its apex. It deserves to stand on its own as one of the best recent examples of not only a pixel art aesthetic, but as an excellent combination of run 'n gunning, platforming and exploration. The game benefits from paying homage to multiple 16-bit ancestors rather than strictly sticking to its celluloid source material; The Mummy Demastered is a polished, accomplished and satisfying adventure that will entertain more than just Metroidvania fans.
Comments 98
WayForward makes it way forward!
Whoa. I expected a recommendation, but this actually sounds awesome. Definitely on my radar for a buy after Mario Odyssey does its thing.
Wow, think I'll be picking this one up then! (When it goes on sale...)
Oh dear, the temptations are huge. Not only do I want to play like this but I want to reward Way Forward for the effort. Kind of wish it was £14.99; but I'll sleep on it. Don't have much time to game tonight anyways.
This is the one which I was hoping would be great but with Mario in a few days it'll have to wait, I will definitely be picking it up down the line though
This one's looked good from its inception. I've always really liked the sound in WayForward games too.
Is this the engine to Way Forward's Alien game that came out years back on DS? As I remember that game was "OK" but I didn't finish it. I'm interested to see what review score NL gave to the Alien game...
This is love awesome surprise.
It's on the shortlist for the future games to be played. I'm afraid it'll be one of those games buried under high profile releases, in this case mario.
Really like the sound of this even though the pixel art stuff is something I rarely seem to be able to appreciate.
The game does sound pretty fun, I want to check it out at some point.
WayForward is one of my favorite developers. Can't wait to download this!
@rh0gii Aliens: Infestation has a 77% average from 37 reviews at GameRankings. NL gave it an 8/10.
WayForward delivers again. Another E-Shop game to add to my list.
Colour me very surprised.
I can't help feel that this game would do better without the Mummy branding.
Up until now, it has been very off putting for me personally, because the film was pretty dire.
Hopefully it'll sell well due to word of mouth and because of WayForward.
Just wish it was part of a different IP.
Didn't expect it to review that well! Looks like a game I'd really enjoy...I may go ahead and purchase it, despite the fact that Mario is about to pull me away from everything else I'm playing.
Will wait for a sale, but definitely on my radar. Mario will take up all my time in a couple days anyway.
SOLD! Just...just SOLD! Can't wait to play this
Yep, better than the movie.
Excellent! I was hoping it was as good as it looked. WayForward does it again!
Had a gut feeling this was going to be good they would really have to put some effort in to make it as bad as the film.
I want to know how long it is.
Sounds like a 10 to me! At first I had thought this was a homage to GI-Joe+He-Man (based on the cover and the sprites) but via Castlevania and Super Metroid/Zero levels, not an actual tie-in. I hope that logo doesn't hold sales back.
The praise is cool and all but what about some more info on gameplay? These types of games are notorious for frustrating backtracking, confusion on where to go next, limited save locations, etc. How does this game compare to others in the genre?
@AG_Awesome Good point actually - scanning back over the review, it sounds like it could have been written from only 20 minutes of gameplay, to get an impression.
Looks at least decent but with so much out now and so many games I have yet to finish, this will have to wait. I may revisit it next summer when there's a lull in releases.
Glad Wayforward can make a good game based off a horrible Tom Cruise movie that is also a failed attempt from Universal to start a cinematic universe
Only WayForward could make me want a movie tie in of a movie I had zero interest in.
NWR gave it a 6, I tend to agree with their scores more often. Looks like I might wait for some other reviews.
It was worth it, damn good and I am only 20 mins into it. I do notice some stutter every so often in game in handheld mode but it is infrequent.
Too many games on my wish list must resist!
Hooooooly craaaaaap. Dang it. I'm getting serious Metroid Zero Mission vibes from this. But... I just can't. There is so much to play, and so little time!
Played up until the first boss, seems so solid so far, but 9 seems pretty high. I'm thinking about 7 at the moment but I guess I'll see what the rest of the game holds.
Really digging the artstyle on this one, the enviroments in particular are lovely, biggest gripe so far for me is the way the game keeps pointing me to the direction I need to go, in these types of games I'd much prefer to explore places on my own.
I wonder why they even used the license? This could have easily been its own game with its own clever name...
Destructoid gave it a 7.5. Said it took around 4 hrs to complete the first run. Didn't get all the relics.
Yesssss. Buy.... as soon as I can afford it.
Yes!!! Hoped this would be as good as it looked😁
I want it but it feels like a 14.99 game. I'll wait for a modest price drop
Nintendo Life (NL) Scoring vs world (W)
W + 2 = NL scoring
How much?
20 beans....
I love nintendolife. Its my favorite site but I always drop their scores by 1 or 2. They're way to generous.
Think I’ll wait for a modest price drop too @JRJalapeno.
This isn't the first Run N Gun game by WayForward. They also developed Contra 4 for DS. Great review! I'm a fan of the developer.
But they've made some stinkers, too. Smurfs 2 had really bad reviews. Scooby‑Doo & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe for 3DS didn't even get a review on NLife....yeah, it's that bad. Glad to see that Mummy Demastered didn't fall with those two. I was a bit worried because it's another movie license.
@JRJalapeno 4hrs, for £17?
WayForward games always review well here, but they haven't won me over yet. I do like the look of this, but I'll wait for 70% sale on this one.
You had me at WayForward.
Man.... this almost seems as if it was made for me, I cannot wait to play this. I have officially completed all games in my queue and will sit tight until Thursday night when Mario drops. Once Mario runs its course this will be the first game I download!!
Whoa, even better than I expected. So many games, so little time...when can we expand the day to 36 hours?!
Being a Way Forward game I can't help but be a little hesitant to buy it purely on the possibility a physical copy makes its way in the future.
Superb, I had my fingers crossed this would turn out well and from the sounds of it, it's turned out even better than I hoped. It'll be my next purchase after this weeks 3.
Since Halloween 🎃 is coming... This would have been smart to release on sale!
Sweet downloading now. I was more than happy on my purchase of Shantae. I'm sure the quality of the game will justify the price. Hell if it's short I understand the hesitation but if it's short and great then I'm happy. Too many games in eShop that I just find uninspiring and boring.... cheaper yes but the games are meh!
If it's close to Aliens Infestation I'm gonna be happy this Halloween. What am I saying Mario is out very soon it's gonna be great end to October.
£14.99....mmm ill wait for sale...
@Pablo17 Across Switch, PS4 and Xbox so far I've seen:
8, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, this 9 and that 6. So an average of just over 7.5/10.
Has anybody played it it? How hard is it? I am not big on games that get too hard, too fast.
Great review. You sold me on the game.
But I must say, I really really miss James Newton's wonderful taglines.
"Run -n Stunning?" sigh 😒
Another one for the Switch wishlist. Alien Infestation was great, the sound overall was fitting and it felt like a classic 16-bit era shooter.Nice to hear Way forward made another gem.
Well that is a surprise ! Great review.
a 9 ?! wow...I did think this game looked good already, but this much ? I really have to give it a try now!
Have played it the whole evening now, for around 2½ hours. Have only defeated the first boss, and only cleared 18% of the map and 12% of the items. There is still a long way to go
I am not a fast gamer, and like to take my time to explore these kind of games. But still, you really have to be good at these games, and run through the whole thing to finish it in the claimed four hours. I can't do it.
It can also be tricky to get all your equipment back, if you die at a though spot, and far away from a save station.
I am loving it so far. It is really a great mix of Contra, Turican, Metroid and Castlevania. The enemies you face are like a mix of old school Castlevania and Metroid enemies.
The presentation, style and music are awesome. But I notice som occasional stutter, witch are unfortunate. But overall, it is really great.
Yup, having played it some more now 7.5 sounds about right to me. (I think I've beaten 3 bosses now, currently at 56% completion according to the map).
+Combat is fast paced and fun
+The weapons are really fun to use (It has a flamethrower that's actually really good for once!)
+The environments and sprite work are both amazing (Can we get these guys to do the art on the next 2D Metroid?) Love the fog effects!
+It's pretty challenging.
-The game does blatantly point you in the right direction by placing markers on the map, and there is no way to turn it off sadly.
-The framerate drops noticeably when things get really hectic, and even the aforementioned fog effects seem to cause it to drop at times.
-If you die to a boss, you may need to grind for health since there is no good way to quickly restore that.
-The soundtrack... is kind of average, it's serviceable when playing the game but it's a far cry from something like Shantae.
Good to hear this one is a great game, been looking forward to it since I saw screenshots of it.
I heart Wayforward! Way to take a stinky license and make it uniquely work to the strengths of their studio!
Any idea why the switch version is £17.99 and the PSN/XBO/PC version is £15.99. That aint right. I'm not buying it on principle.
Also I hear the framerate issues turn the game from old skool hard to an unwinnable nightmare
This game is amazing. I was about to get FEW, but I chose this. This game has everything. Action and Adventure. I love it.
WayForward always do great 2D games. Games are never too difficult or too easy. At least in my opinion. I'll pick this up soon.
Sounds good, but what the heck does 'De-mastered' mean?
How long is it? Unless I missed it--I scanned the article for this information--it's nowhere to be seen which, for $20, is a germane question...
@PanurgeJr it really is an awesome ds title. I've beaten it a few times
@Starbuster @ECMIM anywhere from 4 to 12 hours Depending on how quickly you want to go through the world, secrets etc. Oh and starbuster I think it's referring to the graphics? As in remastered games are usually upgraded graphically sense this is like 32bit sprites it's demastered? That's my best guess lol.
An absolute must-buy right alongside Hive Jump.
Looked good, then i realized it was made by WayForward. So now Im definitely buying.
Looks amazing love the art style i assume it's metroidvania which would be great. I know Axiom Verge gets a lot of praise and this is super nit picky but the art style of that game puts me off. Only 3 more days i can start spending money on a new system .
For those wanting a sale, the game is only the equivalent of £14.11 on the Mexican eShop
Got through it now, took about 4,5 hours. Also the final boss completely glitched out on me and completely stopped moving while I was just blasting it away without any resistance until it died, talk about an anticlimax...
But whatevs, I stand by my 7,5 rating for the game, I'd say it's worth the price if you enjoy Metroidvania type games.
Reminds me a lot of their earlier DS game, Alien Infestation.
Licensed, 2D, metroidvania-esque, and bloody great.
I might download it someday when I have a Switch and it gets cheaper. It looks great!
I'd say this is more of a 7/10 game to me. I really wanted to love it but the death mechanic is really tedious, especially if you die on a boss. You've got to kill your old body to retrieve your stuff and then backtrack and grind enemies to refill your health which takes ages.
I'd have thought developers would have learned from Metroid 1 that it's tedious having to grind to refill your health when resuming your game.
The camera could do with looking a bit further ahead too as there have been loads of times when ascending a corridor and an enemy has dropped down on me from off the top of the screen.
Other than that it plays fairly well and will serve as a decent distraction while I wait for Odyssey, but I would definitely recommend waiting for it to go on sale as it's a bit short for the price.
Bad movie = Good game adaptation
It all makes sense now.
How does the review not mention how awesome the music in this is? From the moment you boot up the game it's immediately memorable - I actually got out of bed and docked this as soon as I heard the music - wanted it on better speakers.
Now you're giving me second thoughts about this game. I hated the movie so much I wasn't excited to begin with, then the screenshots look about as generic as a game can possibly get, and I'm not hearing much new or interested regarding gameplay either. This is probably one I'd need a demo to consider.
I really wanted to like this game, and enjoy the spritework and atmosphere, but it's just a little too punishingly hard. There needs to be an easy mode or possibly a patch to increase how many health drops you get, or to reduce how much damage enemies can sustain...something to make it a little more FUN
"homage to multiple 16-bit ancestors"
Not sure why reviewers seem to find the terms 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit so interchangeable. This is clearly loosely inspired by 32-bit era 2D games, not 16-bit. Sorry to be pedantic, but it's a pretty peeve of mine.
It just shows that Wayforward prints money with their original IP's, other dev's IP's and licensed concepts-- Bozon and co. just KNOW how to make good games. I generally stay away from games that have movie tie-ins, but this is such a beast of it's own that I can't turn a blind eye this time. I can't say I'll get it right away, but I will have to add this to my backlog for a hopeful play one day...
@BoFiS You're so right and I literally just came here to say how dissapointed I am.
Got about 15 minutes in and just ended up being killed by bats at least 10 times in the same room.
I won't be playing the game again for a while which is a shame because I liked everything else about it.
Played it a bit more today. Still a great game.
This time I played it in portable mode, while yesterday on the TV in docked mode.
I think it runs much smoother in portable mode, than in docked? I didn't encounter any drops in frame rate like yesterday, but only played around one hour.
What do you guys think about portable vs docked mode? Witch mode is performing the best?
When I heard wayforward was developing this I had no worries. Wayforward is awesome at making fun games. In particular side scrollers.
Looks awesome... but it's not available in Japan.
They're constantly trying to force me into making a US account... But I'm bullheaded. If it doesn't come to Japan, I won't play it. My loss I guess.
Loving it so far, i kinda wish they had kept the "new soldier" thing from Alien though, together with having to kill the risen soldier you played before for his loot. ZombiU did this and it was the best part about the whole game.
Definitely not a "9" game. More like a "6"or "7". It's not a bad game, but not great. A brutal first hour, where unfair monster abounds, a stupid mechanic where you have to grind for your health (they should have adopted Symphony of the Night's mechanic or refilling your health at save stations!) , when grinding is not fun, get 5% back , hit an enemy lose 20%. I don't despise difficult games {like Shovel Knight}, when it is fair, and skill will eventually get you through. This game first hour is unnecessarily difficult, when zipping enemies, disappearing ledges, and low powered ammo will have you wanting to throw your controller if only your Switch is not attached to it (portable mode).
It is not polished enough to warrant a "9". the mini map while you play is useless. The main map is better but doesn't show where the connecting points or entrance to rooms are, even after you accessed them, so you get save boxes, where the entrance could be anyone of the four sides. This kind of little details is what separate good from great.
Apologizes for being so pessimistic, just that my expectation was way higher, further heightened by this review, then played the game proper, and realized that games from the real 16-bit era like Aliens played better...
I do know that reviews are a subjective thing, just wanted to tell my own experience with the game.
I just finished my run of the game and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not a 9/10 by any means, but still a solid enjoyable game that does the genre justice, albeit by the numbers.
I was pleasantly surprised by a few of the special thanks in the credits. They thanked Yoshio Sakamoto, Tom Happ, and Milton "DoctorM64" Guasti.
This is a great game, having so much fun playing it. The music is fantastic and a real throw back, the sound effects play a great role too. Visually I am just loving the look and feel of this game and it really is an old school shooter with some cool platforming sections included too. A must I'd say to have in your collection.
@techdude 100% agree. This is the most spot-on assessment of the game I've seen, at least one that falls in line with my experience. The game is one messy frustration after another so far. I've barely been able to play more than a couple hours because it's so annoying (and buggy). I'm planning on continuing the game, but there's no incentive at the moment. Very surprised because I do like WayForward a good deal, and NL isn't usually THAT far off.
I have a hard time understanding why some people indicated the level of difficulty was too high....I consider myself an average/good/not great gamer. I completed the game last week and it was a ''almost perfect'' game for me in regards to the level of difficulty, gameplay, map (simple, but good and I like linear games), atmosphere, items, soundtrack (90% was very good/creepy style), hidden areas, bosses etc. WayForward makes great games and this is another gem. I love games like Axiom Verge, Shovel Knight, Super Metroid, etc. I personally prefered The Mummy Demastered a little bit more than Axiom Verge. It does not happen often that I want to possibly complete a game for a second time and it is the case with this game! Just buy it or buy it if it comes on sale if you are not convinced.
PS : It was a little ''buggy'' on the Switch (docked) towards the end of the game (last hour) as there were many enemies. It still should not happen....
Beautiful artwork in this game. I need both this game, and Axiom Verge in my life.
I have to say, i hate it. 9 out of 10? Never!! Axiom Verge is so much better! For me its garbage.
The 1.2 balance patch helped out the grindiness a LOT and the game is much more enjoyable now. With the new balance of health drops - it really is a great game.
Finished last week and I have to dissent from this review. I would give it a 6.5/10, 7/10 max. The game has stunning 16bit pixellated graphics, but that's all - gameplay-wise it leaves much to be desired. No emotional peaks, levels feels always the same to me. A little on the dull side, I was expecting much more than this. Axiom Verge is galaxies ahead.
Love this game to bits; great music, cool retro art aesthetic and a fun nod to the Metroidvania genre.
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