Disney Infinity is back on Wii U with Marvel toys and adventures, expanded upgrades and harder difficulty levels. Less positively, Disney Infinity 2.0 drops Wii support and forces existing players to purchase another Starter Pack to access new Play Sets. The big ticket this year are the three headline Marvel adventures for The Avengers, Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy, with a foot in the door for the possibility of more comic adventures yet to be announced.
As is now familiar, toy figures are used to access in-game characters and save progress and upgrade choices. The Starter Pack comes with The Avengers Play Set campaign and two figures, but you need to buy more toys to access the Spider-Man or Guardians of the Galaxy content on the disc. It also includes two Toy Box mini-games that provide a tower defence and dungeon crawler experience. With 21 Marvel characters to collect, the total cost of accessing everything on the disc is considerable. Provided families see this as a collectable toy-line as well as a video-game, this should not come as a shock.

Either way, to get good value from your initial investment you need to make use of the game creation Toy Box mode, as well as using the figures themselves as play-things (or collectors items to adorn your shelves). The adventures last around six hours apiece with additional time required to collect all the items and complete all the side quests. Each Play Set has its own story, but are largely similar in terms of form and progression. Things follow the tried-and-tested LEGO video-game blueprint of puzzles, platforming, brawling and fetch quests, although it should be said that in many ways it is better executed here. Sadly lacking though is the level of variety introduced by the Pirates of the Caribbean high seas action in the first game.
That aside, the adventures and character development are much improved. A substantial new upgrade tree creates a more meaningful connection between player and character — and toy. With limited resources you have to choose particular upgrade paths that shape how your particular hero develops. It’s a simple change, but one that makes a big difference. Along with this comes more meaningful video-game death. If a character dies in the game you can no longer use them to progress for a good five minutes. Unlike the first game, where you could jump straight back in, this creates a more substantial challenge for experienced players while running the risk of frustrating youngsters who don’t knock the difficulty level down a peg or two.

Each of the Play Set adventures provides an impressive (and expanded) open world to explore. This inviting playground not only adds to the overall duration of the game but encourages players to invent their own fun — either working together to progress or getting in each other’s way. This fun, flexible side of Disney Infinity 2.0 is still its biggest strength. You may find that younger players spend as long playing their own invented games around the city — such as hide and seek, fighting and enemy killing competitions — as they do with the campaign proper.
This is no accident and naturally leads players to investigate the Toy Box mode. Here you can create your own challenges for friends and families to play. As well as construct levels you can add interactive elements that keep track of progress or crate puzzles to solve. It takes some time to achieve but the results are very impressive. You can also share these creations online as well as sample the best that other players have created. In the Toy Box, unlike the Play Set adventures, you can use any of your Disney Infinity characters. Owning a good set of characters from the first game adds to this value, not only in terms of variety but also because you can now upgrade them via the new ability tree system.

While the Wii U controls don’t differ much elsewhere, in Toy Box mode it felt considerably more flexible being able to have a second screen to select and manipulate objects. These aren't as fully featured as they might be but certainly some thought has gone into supporting the Wii U’s unique features. It's just a shame that elsewhere in the game, the menus displayed on the GamePad look so shoddy — it's almost as if they're unfinished place holders. You can also play Disney Infinity 2.0 with the TV off by using the GamePad screen. This is the same as last year but is a nice feature to include for families who may compete for screen time on the family television.
The biggest enhancement to the Toy Box mode are the additions of Interiors and automated builder characters. The former enables you to create explorable buildings as part of your games, while the latter quickly generates all manner of game elements without all the donkey work. Drop a treehouse builder on the map and watch as a fairytale treehouse grows in front of your eyes.
Power Discs also make a return this year. These are the plastic discs — purchased in foil “blind packs” — that offer temporary buffs and upgrades when stacked under figures on the Infinity Base. New in 2.0 are the Team-Up discs that bring in additional Marvel characters to fight long side you. Also new are the Outfit discs that render characters in special outfits with particular abilities.

The weakest aspect of Disney Infinity 2.0 is that you can’t use your 1.0 Play Set campaigns in the new game. Naturally, you also can’t use the new 2.0 Play Sets in the original game. Claims that Disney Infinity was offering an expandable platform haven’t yet rung true; in an age of downloadable digital content, Infinity remains strangely tied to owning particular game discs. We have been promised a downloadable upgrade for owners of the first game to give them access to the Toy Box 2.0 features, but it seems this won’t support the Play Set adventures themselves. This means that families will have to buy a Starter Pack again with another Infinity Base peripheral they already own if they want to access the new Marvel adventures.
Perhaps sensibly, after the less functional Wii version of the original, Disney Infinity 2.0 isn't available on the Wii. Wii owners who have the first game can download a 2.0 Toy Box game on the Wii U and then re-use their Infinity Base. Still, this doesn't grant access to the new Play Sets.
To linger too long on these negatives, however warranted, is to miss the joy and creativity on offer here. The Wii U version of Disney Infinity 2.0 not only looks great but plays well — baring slightly slow load times. It offers a fresh take on the toy-video-game genre and extends the experience in meaningful ways with the Toy Box and Play Set enhancements. Although Marvel is the main thread this year on Disney Infinity there are also some new Disney Original characters coming, and a Disney Originals starter pack. This focuses on the Toy Box game creation side of things and doesn't come with a Play Set.
On balance the Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes The Avengers Starter Pack — to give it its full name — offers a lot of value on its own. Providing families understand that the additional toys are optional extras rather than necessities they should be able to resist over-spending at super market checkouts. The improved upgrades, enhanced Toy Box experience and Marvel franchise make this year’s game an enticing proposition. Provided parents are willing to say “no” now and again to children’s pestering for more figures, it also offers good value on the Wii U.
Comments 38
This is such a money sink so I try to avoid this. Getting Skylanders last year was bad enough. Do we really need a new version every year?
I must say, I love the Venom figure! Not getting the game though... Going to stop getting Skylanders too, Amiibo's... Well, guess that's going to be too hard to resist, but there'll be way fewer, with hopefully way more use to them! And of course the timeless charm of being Nintendo mascot figurines.
i don't get (u.s.)america's obsession with superheroes.
It's not an American thing at all judging by Box Office returns on the Marvel movies. Still, comic books are what many kids grew up on for casual reading back in the day.
Personally I find the old comic book superheroes a bit overblown as a kid and didn't get into them much. I really enjoy the movies now, though.
Getting philosophical however, "American rugged individualism" plays into it partly, I imagine. (Though superheroes don't often work for their powers... which makes a discussion about that pretty enticing...)
Bought into Disney Infinity 1.0 big time and I'm not sure how to go about getting into this 2.0 edition. I went for bargains this time (in prep for Xmas) but now I wonder if the Originals set would be a better intro... not even sure if I can return the marvel one anymore. lol.
Will you review Skylanders: Trap Team, NL? I'm very curious to see your opinion on it (I have mixed feelings, myself). I decided to continue collecting Skylanders and several favourite amiibo, but I cut down on Toys To Life purchases somewhat, not getting the entire collection of Skylanders this year.
And I hardly played it, but DI2 was so eh to me. A lot of the skill trees (main thing I wanted) feel half-baked, and the playsets just feel less fun- not that last year's were a masterpiece, but they were more interesting. Maybe DI2 just isn't for me; I don't have that much time for sandbox games any more (hardly play Minecraft these days).
@Shambo There'll be an amiibo figure for every Smash fighter, and there's about 50 of them, so I think you're wrong about there being less amiibo. (Maybe, in comparison to Skylanders- definitely if you add Traps to the Skylanders figure count- but not compared to DI2, unless you include Power Discs.)
Dang, I thought I heard a digital download of this game was coming that supports the old base (including supporting the new play sets), guess I gotta buy another starter set after all...
@aaronsullivan - You still haven't figured it out yet? I thought you had a plan, man. (that last sentence needs to be read in a hip 70's voice.)
Thought about getting ToyBox 2.0 for Tinkerbell but between LBP3 on the PS3 and SSBU stage builder on the Gamepad I think that's enough creativity for my kids. And my son always gets Skylanders for his birthday in Jan. and all his relatives buy him the Sklyanders. It's worked out well the past 2 years.
@ShadJV - Yes it should. Personally I think if you need a flow chart and an entire age to explain this stuff to your customers then you are doing it wrong, but maybe that's just me.
Here's the part I think you want to know near the bottom of that long page:
If you have a physical base from Disney Infinity, it will work for Disney Infinity (2.0 Edition) in most cases. The exception is that the Xbox 360 base only works on Xbox 360, and does not work on Xbox One. Neither of the Xbox or 3DS bases work on other platforms.
Looks like Microsoft didn't pay them enough money for compatibility
Good luck figuring it all out.
So I already:
1) own the base (and happily play 1.0 on Wii U)
2) will own a new 2.0 playset bought from store
3) pay for the 2.0 download coming to the eShop on Nov. 4
I still can't use the playset simply because they didn't include it in the download? When you buy the playset, you are buying (although not physically in box) the use of the software needed for it. I don't want to buy a bunch of hardware I don't want/need simply because Disney can't figure out how to distribute software.
Why does nobody ever include the full cost in these reviews for the whole thing ?
Not interested in the slightest, I'll wait and see if they'll ever release a Disney Classic Edition of this, with Mickey, Donald and Goofy.
@unrandomsam I believe that IGN does a minimal cost article for every Skylanders game, they might have done a DI2 one also, I can't remember.
I did read that they are doing a separate Avengers Pack with the Playset and Black Widow and Iron Man figures and a Separate Thor Figure. SO one could download the game and then buy the Avengers pack. I'm assuming this is for those that downloaded the game and for those who bought the Toybox set thats coming out and later wish they would have gotten the Avengers set.
Avengers Pack - http://www.amazon.com/Disney-INFINITY-Edition-Marvels-Avengers-Specific/dp/B00MCC35D8/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1414166491&sr=8-7&keywords=Disney+Infinity+2+Avengers
Thor - http://www.amazon.com/Disney-INFINITY-Marvel-Edition-Machine-Specific/dp/B00MCC363C/ref=pd_sim_vg_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0VNXFBQMSHBSM0FQGV5W
just another money eating company making a money eating game BOOORRRIIINNGGG
@rjejr thanks, that did clear things up a bit.
Still, holy... Could they make things any more confusing? Geez...
That is what I wish to do but it sounds like in this review (and elsewhere) that the download version will not work with the playsets — it is toy box only mode. It is possible this is true and the Avengers Pack you linked would still make sense as there is another 2.0 starter pack that includes the disc and Merida and Stitch.
@6ch6ris6 I do.
This link that is meant to clarify leaves it unclear if a 2.0 playset will work with the downloaded software. The name "Toy Box" may simply mean that is the only mode available without the purchase of additional hardware....much like the current 1.0 Wii U download.
We have 2.0 bundle, Captain America, Venom, The Guardians playset, and rocket. It does pack a lot of value, and my kids love it; but for what ever reason I find the actual game play to be annoying. The camera is not as good as it should be and we've encountered many in game glitches like the information on the gamepad failing to update after finding a collectible or disappearing altogether. The leveling up is really fun. You actually pick new moves and other upgrades with each level. The characters are not balanced. Some characters are a lot better then others.
I wound up buying all the figures for the first Disney Infinity, so I'm afraid to buy this one. However, I'm not a huge superhero fan, so I'd likely be buying it just for toybox mode and the new Disney figures. I think I'll have enough trouble collecting amiibo, as it is...
Oooh, so the main adventure features an open world? That makes me interested.
One question: how much stuff is there to do? Is it at all like Lego City Undercover, where there are countless possibilities to collect stuff and explore various different areas of a seamless game world? If so, I may definitely consider giving this one a go.
Not interested until they bring in the X-Men too, but Marvel won't do that because of their hatred towards Fox.
Donald Duck came out today. I was so happy to pick him up. Favourite Disney character ever
Is the port any smoother, than the first one?
@geekdadgamer review Skylanders Trap Team next. You should also do a comparison so people can know which game is worth the extra money
@Varoennauraa what i seen all versions are barely an upgrade from the original. For some reason they gave the Wii U version the lowest resolution
^I thought so.
I think Avalanche is very trustworthy developer, when you are expecting shoddy Wii U ports.
I love Pixar and was interested in Disney 1.0 but man did they screw it up, especially Cars. Cars on the GameCube was one great game, to me. And it replicated the Cars world very well.
Sorry, I am a DC guy.
@ShadJV Nov 4th is the digital download. Your Infinity01 base will work with it as well as individual playsets
"with this comes more meaningful video-game death. If a character dies in the game you can no longer use them to progress for a good five minutes."
I do believe that's longer then most superheroes stay dead in the comics. Disney is being unfaithful to the source material.
Guardians Of The Galaxy aside, the Marvel portion of this game really doesn't interest me at all. : /
This is completely misleading about the digital download. It is the exact same software as the game disc in the retail packages. It's only called Toy Box because you can't play a playset UNTIL you buy the playset packs. You do not have to buy a Starter Pack. You can use your old base, the download, and any of the 3 playsets will work fine. Please correct this article before more people are misled.
@6ch6ris6 ???
It's not an American thing.
You didn't talk about the other main negatives of the game's progression. The stories aren't very well written, the game has a bigger open world to explore but it's largely empty making traveling to the next mission or doing them a chore. The music and voice acting is pretty cringe worthy too, i understand they couldn't get the film actors and mainstream VA for most but their choices are too clitche especially for Guardians of the Galaxy NPCs. I don't have the game but i see gameplay videos and i agree with these claims. Plus Skylanders looks much better than this just compare Swap Force to the first. Sorry for seeming baised but these games don't leave a great impression for me
Please correct this article. Right from the source:
Romulus77 @masterimmortal Oct 26
@JohnVignocchi I know, but they're saying people HAVE to buy a Starter Pack to use the Playsets. That the piece won't work with the upgrade.
John Vignocchi @JohnVignocchi 5 hours ago
@masterimmortal That is completely and totally false. Why would we ever do that to our players?
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