Part of Compile’s legendary Aleste series, MUSHA – which, according to the North American version, stands for “Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor” but in fact means ‘Warrior’ in Japanese – is a fantastic blaster that is made all the more remarkable when you consider that it was released in 1990, making it one of the Mega Drive’s earliest shmups. Despite this, it contains some of the most impressive visual effects seen on the system – stage two's ravine being a good example, with the floor literally falling away beneath your ship, opening up layers of stunning parallax scrolling. The gameplay is just as engaging, with a firm challenge and plenty of variety, while the pumping soundtrack does an excellent job of complementing the on-screen carnage.
Often overlooked in favour of series stablemates Revenge of Shinobi and Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master, Shadow Dancer is a more colourful and hyperactive take on the series. While it takes its name from the 1989 arcade machine, Shadow Dancer on the Mega Drive is actually an entirely different outing with new sprites, levels and music. ‘One hit’ kills make their return after the life bar of Revenge of Shinobi, which gives Shadow Dancer a tighter, more tense feel, while the levels are packed with bright enemies and unusual bosses. While Yuzo Koshiro wasn’t involved with the game’s music – his soundtrack to the first title is the stuff of legend – it still has some stand-out tracks which stick in your head for hours after you’ve finished playing. This game offers the tight, playable arcade action Sega built its reputation on, and is highly recommended.
Alongside Castlevania: Bloodlines and Rocket Knight Adventures, Contra: Hard Corps stands as one of Konami’s greatest achievements on the Mega Drive. Like Bloodlines, it’s very much Contra turned up to the absolute maximum level of insanity; while the visuals and audio can’t quite match the SNES Contra III, the intensity of the on-screen action and sheer craziness of the levels means that this is perhaps a more hair-raising ride for fans of run-and-gun games. Contra: Hard Corps was the last game to be localised in Europe under the ‘Probotector’ name, and that version of the game features robots as the protagonists. All regional variants of the game are extremely expensive these days, but thankfully, the game is available as part of the Contra: Anniversary Collection for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows, and it was also included on the Mega Drive Mini – so you don’t need to sell a kidney to play it legally.
While series fans generally agree that this Mega Drive outing (which shouldn’t be confused with console stablemate Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair, which is a scrolling shooter) isn’t quite as inventive and revolutionary as Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap on the Master System, it’s still one of the high points of the series. Granted, the monster transformations which made the 8-bit entry so unique are gone, but in their place, there’s a much stronger story, notably improved visuals and audio and a lengthy experience that keeps throwing new surprises in your direction. Interestingly, developer Westone also released the game on the PC Engine CD, but without the Wonder Boy branding, which Sega owns. That version is called The Dynastic Hero.
Damien has been writing professionally about tech and video games since 2007 and oversees all of Hookshot Media's sites from an editorial perspective. He's also the editor of Time Extension, the network's newest site, which – paradoxically – is all about gaming's past glories.
I can't say strongly enough how much I loved my Genesis. Between it and my best friend's SNES, we had no shortage of amazing games to play. It really was a fantastic time to be a gamer.
This system just had amazing game after game after game to play! So many of them hold up today too.
One game I would have added to the list though? Eternal Champions. It is still one of my favorite fighting games, and one that really needs a 3rd entry. (The sequel on Sega CD was great too)
I remember trying Streets of Rage 2 for the very first time when it came out on NSO and I just couldn't get into it. However, I absolutely loved the music that was playing and I decided to persevere so I could listen to more of those sweet jams. Fast forward to today and it's both one of my favourite Mega Drive game of all time, one of my favourite beatemups of all time AND one of my favourite games of all time. Just goes to show: don't judge a book by it's cover; you may just be surprised.
Ahh yes The Revenge of Shinobi the game where Batman and Spider Man appeared in the same game along with a skeleton Dinosaur. It was such a weird game but despite that I went back to it time after time just so I could hear the brilliant OST that played during boss fights.
Gunstar heroes is still an amazing game even now, I would say Hellfire is one of the megadrives best certainly better than zero wing I think it only gets attention cos of its hilarious intro and I have always preferred Thunderforce 3 to 4 yes 4 is impressive but it’s insanely difficult and what about super fantasy zone I think it gets forgotten about cos it wasn’t released in the US but it’s a fantastic game
@BloodNinja just such an amazing game, along with Thunder force. Two of my favourite megadrive shooters ever. The soundtrack on both games are ingrained in my head lol.
Fantastic list, I own and replay many of these games to this day. One title I also revisit is Sub-Terrania. I just love the clean visual style, the music is atmospheric, and of course the Thrust-style gravity/inertia centered gameplay. Nothing else quite like it and while it is uneven, and a steep learning curve, there’s something compelling about it. Two others that were great in their time were The Immortal (exploding heads) and the mani two-player duels in Star Control.
Huh, I didn't know Desert Strike was so well liked. I bought it recently, but only because one of my favorite composers worked on it. Might actually try playing it now!
@dkc_fan they said they tried to avoid games from the same series where possible... I agree that those are 2 amazing games, but I think Sonic 2 creeps ahead. I think they're better than some of the other games on this list though so they definitely should've been included, even if S&K is only an honourable mention!
@mystman12 it's an amazing game. The sequels, Jungle Strike, Urban Strike etc. aren't as great but Desert Strike is one of the best games on the system!
There's a few games missing, most noticeably the unforgiving Kid Chameleon! Donald Duck's Quackshot, Greendog, DeCap Attack, loads of great games that should definitely be on here.
Good games on here. I know it's not meant to be extensive, so I'll just add some others I like. Namco's Genesis output is often overlooked. Rolling Thunder 2 and 3 are both great games. I also like Phelios a lot, but that's not to everyone's taste. Treasure's Light Crusader was still great fun when I last played it a few years back, and the soundtrack is great. Fire Shark, Grind Stormer, Truxton, and Elemental Master are very good(and there are plenty more great shmups). Looking at what's on the list, Decap Attack surprised me how fun it was when I first played it. I have since wanted to try the Japanese original. Ranger X was another one that was a pleasant surprise. I wish I knew about it back in the day. It's such a well made game with the only issue I can think of being the controls are an obstacle for some people. I come back to that one a lot(last played it multiple times this time last year) and still learn new things and notice small details. It's also one of the few games I am happy to jack the difficulty up all the way. It's still a fair experience that way.
There are so many great games on here, reminders of that time (in the US, at least) when Sega truly ruled the roost, where the TurboGraphx never took off and before the SNES arrived.
I really appreciate your taking the time to catalogue where and how modern players can still find these games, like the MD Mini, NSO, or other re-releases (hopefully you can addend MD Mini 2 later).
I would recommend Super Monaco GP, Super Hang-on, Star Control, or Target Earth for the list, or some of the unique licensed games we’ll never see again, like Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker or even that McDonald’s themed platformer I can’t quite remember, other than it was fun 🤩
@RubyCarbuncle even weirder; that dinosaur skeleton was originally Godzilla! There are several versions of the game, each released after someone came after SEGA for copyright infringement. So there is a version with Batman, Spiderman, the Terminator and Godzilla and different versions with some or all removed/changed!
@Gamecuber It gets even weirder than that: while the obvious Batman, Godzilla, and Rambo lookalikes were altered to avoid copyright infringement, the Spider-Man wannabe was instead turned into Spider-Man himself, licensed from Marvel! (The Terminator just slipped under the radar, apparently.)
My favorite console of all-time. Sonic the Hedgehog was the reason I got a Genesis but it was the Streets of Rage series, particularly SoR 2, that was my favorite on the platform. Just excellent games. Two had the perfect mix of gameplay, level design, graphics and music. Even the limited amount of story was the best. Just a pure and simple game that was a blast, especially with friends.
There's a lot of great games there, and a handful I wouldn't put on such a list. But, if you're gonna include those two Shinobi games then Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master should absolutely be properly part of the list, rather than a side comment, and probably above the others imo. I'm not sure why you consider the other two better games in the series.
And this people is why this is and always will be the best generation of gaming. Pure CLASSICS !! And that's just the Megadrive, combined with the Snes, just magic !!!
Well first of all Road Rash 2 is much better than the original and where's Toejam and Earl? Other than that a pretty great list for an amazing console and I'm glad that Warsong has some recognition
A great list and I certainly agree with most of the choices. When I look back on the Mega Drive days, two that stand out that are missing from this list are Street Fighter II and Micro Machines. Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament in particular. Used to love playing that in 4-player mode (with the built-in extra ports), we used to draw straws on who had to use the crappy original 3 button controllers (with short leads) versus the superior 6-button pads.
I just noticed that you have three pages worth of "best" games on Genesis/Mega Drive vs two for Super NES/Super Famicom. That seems a bit unbalanced and skewed, in that it basically suggests there's actually more "great" games on Genesis/Mega Drive than Super NES/Super Famicom.
If you can add an extra page of "best" titles for Genesis (and there's a handful of those in your list that I personally consider pretty average), you almost certainly could have managed to find three pages worth of great games for Super NES/Super Famicom too. I mean, there's roughly 1757 Super NES/Super Famicom games, which is more than twice as many as the roughly 878 Genesis/Mega Drive games in total, that's a huge difference, so it would be very strange to imagine there's actually less gems in a catalogue that has the amount of games of the other console plus the same again.
Where are any of the Parodius games? Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy is easily a top 5 shmup on the console (top 3, maybe even number 2 for me personally)? What about top-notch titles like Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, Super Aleste, Ninja Warriors, Super Mario All-Stars, Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, Wild Guns, Killer Instinct, Knights of the Round, Pocky & Rocky, Top Gear 2, or any of the Dragon Quest games, and stuff like that?
Most of these games your own site rated like 8-9/10 and even a 10/10 for one of them.
I think you definitely ignored some greats on Super NES/Super Famicom, titles that are definitely widely considered as good as if not better than a bunch of stuff you added to the Genesis/Mega Drive list, and that easily could have filled another page on the Super NES/Super Famicom similarly.
Maybe when the SNES' next birthday rolls around you can add those titles I listed above to this list too.
Anyway, it's just something that I noticed and wanted to comment on.
The Sega Genesis is my most nostalgic console by far. It is where my gaming story began, and it is the reason I've been passionate about gaming — and Sega games in particular — my whole life. I go through this list, and I realize how many stone cold classics there are. The list almost makes itself, and it could be twice as long easily!
Edit: Case in point, this list needs more Ecco the Dolphin. But it's still a great list!
I'll just refer to my comment #44 again, so hopefully you address the point I raised there in the couple of years you have before the SNES' 35th birthday.
And, as I've said before too, there's lots of genuinely great games on the Genesis list, but some that just aren't good enough to warrant inclusion on a list called Best Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games of all Time imo--unless you're maybe making a Top 50 or Top 100 list. Still, opinions and all . . .
Comments 49
Gley Lancer, my love, my life...
Landstalker, my love, my life...
The only game missing from this list for me is Buck Rogers: Countdown To Doomsday.
I can't say strongly enough how much I loved my Genesis. Between it and my best friend's SNES, we had no shortage of amazing games to play. It really was a fantastic time to be a gamer.
This system just had amazing game after game after game to play! So many of them hold up today too.
One game I would have added to the list though? Eternal Champions. It is still one of my favorite fighting games, and one that really needs a 3rd entry. (The sequel on Sega CD was great too)
I remember trying Streets of Rage 2 for the very first time when it came out on NSO and I just couldn't get into it. However, I absolutely loved the music that was playing and I decided to persevere so I could listen to more of those sweet jams. Fast forward to today and it's both one of my favourite Mega Drive game of all time, one of my favourite beatemups of all time AND one of my favourite games of all time. Just goes to show: don't judge a book by it's cover; you may just be surprised.
THANK YOU for putting FIFA 95 in! Deserved.
No Sonic 3 or S&K? Unacceptable!
Ahh yes The Revenge of Shinobi the game where Batman and Spider Man appeared in the same game along with a skeleton Dinosaur. It was such a weird game but despite that I went back to it time after time just so I could hear the brilliant OST that played during boss fights.
Gunstar heroes is still an amazing game even now, I would say Hellfire is one of the megadrives best certainly better than zero wing I think it only gets attention cos of its hilarious intro and I have always preferred Thunderforce 3 to 4 yes 4 is impressive but it’s insanely difficult and what about super fantasy zone I think it gets forgotten about cos it wasn’t released in the US but it’s a fantastic game
@BloodNinja totally agree absolutely love Gleylancer, everything about it is pure class.
@Axelay71 The soundtrack is played daily, in my home. Stay fierce, and believe in your power!!
@BloodNinja just such an amazing game, along with Thunder force. Two of my favourite megadrive shooters ever. The soundtrack on both games are ingrained in my head lol.
@Fizza Yuzo Koshiro is an absolute legend - he made that Mega Drive sound chip sing.
Some absolute bangers on this list — for my money...
...are the cream of the crop
@Axelay71 Same!!! You are certainly a person of culture!
@BloodNinja and you my friend.
Elemental Master, Eternal Champions and Flashback made Sega Genesis for me.
Great list, though I preferred Madden 92 lol.
Fantastic list, I own and replay many of these games to this day. One title I also revisit is Sub-Terrania. I just love the clean visual style, the music is atmospheric, and of course the Thrust-style gravity/inertia centered gameplay. Nothing else quite like it and while it is uneven, and a steep learning curve, there’s something compelling about it.
Two others that were great in their time were The Immortal (exploding heads) and the mani two-player duels in Star Control.
Huh, I didn't know Desert Strike was so well liked. I bought it recently, but only because one of my favorite composers worked on it. Might actually try playing it now!
@dkc_fan they said they tried to avoid games from the same series where possible... I agree that those are 2 amazing games, but I think Sonic 2 creeps ahead. I think they're better than some of the other games on this list though so they definitely should've been included, even if S&K is only an honourable mention!
@mystman12 it's an amazing game. The sequels, Jungle Strike, Urban Strike etc. aren't as great but Desert Strike is one of the best games on the system!
There's a few games missing, most noticeably the unforgiving Kid Chameleon! Donald Duck's Quackshot, Greendog, DeCap Attack, loads of great games that should definitely be on here.
Aladdin deserves a place on this list. The animation and game play on it was so smooth.
I remember getting mine with Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage for Christmas the year they came out. Best Christmas ever.
Everyone already knows Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game, so I'm glad articles like this exist to remind us that Sonic 2 is a great game, too.
Good games on here. I know it's not meant to be extensive, so I'll just add some others I like. Namco's Genesis output is often overlooked. Rolling Thunder 2 and 3 are both great games. I also like Phelios a lot, but that's not to everyone's taste. Treasure's Light Crusader was still great fun when I last played it a few years back, and the soundtrack is great. Fire Shark, Grind Stormer, Truxton, and Elemental Master are very good(and there are plenty more great shmups). Looking at what's on the list, Decap Attack surprised me how fun it was when I first played it. I have since wanted to try the Japanese original. Ranger X was another one that was a pleasant surprise. I wish I knew about it back in the day. It's such a well made game with the only issue I can think of being the controls are an obstacle for some people. I come back to that one a lot(last played it multiple times this time last year) and still learn new things and notice small details. It's also one of the few games I am happy to jack the difficulty up all the way. It's still a fair experience that way.
There are so many great games on here, reminders of that time (in the US, at least) when Sega truly ruled the roost, where the TurboGraphx never took off and before the SNES arrived.
I really appreciate your taking the time to catalogue where and how modern players can still find these games, like the MD Mini, NSO, or other re-releases (hopefully you can addend MD Mini 2 later).
I would recommend Super Monaco GP, Super Hang-on, Star Control, or Target Earth for the list, or some of the unique licensed games we’ll never see again, like Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker or even that McDonald’s themed platformer I can’t quite remember, other than it was fun 🤩
@RubyCarbuncle even weirder; that dinosaur skeleton was originally Godzilla! There are several versions of the game, each released after someone came after SEGA for copyright infringement. So there is a version with Batman, Spiderman, the Terminator and Godzilla and different versions with some or all removed/changed!
I'm going to be that guy and become a stubborn unmovable tree trunk. That list means nothing to me until I see these 2 games on there:
General Chaos
Without those 2 games that list is just fart in the wind to me.
@Gamecuber It gets even weirder than that: while the obvious Batman, Godzilla, and Rambo lookalikes were altered to avoid copyright infringement, the Spider-Man wannabe was instead turned into Spider-Man himself, licensed from Marvel!
(The Terminator just slipped under the radar, apparently.)
My favorite console of all-time. Sonic the Hedgehog was the reason I got a Genesis but it was the Streets of Rage series, particularly SoR 2, that was my favorite on the platform. Just excellent games. Two had the perfect mix of gameplay, level design, graphics and music. Even the limited amount of story was the best. Just a pure and simple game that was a blast, especially with friends.
Phantasy Star 🌠 The one that has the option to breed and your children's children take on the big bad. What a amazing game
Ristar and mabee Psycho Pinball deserved to be on the list but other than that it's a good list
My top Genesis games in no particular order:
There's a lot of great games there, and a handful I wouldn't put on such a list. But, if you're gonna include those two Shinobi games then Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master should absolutely be properly part of the list, rather than a side comment, and probably above the others imo. I'm not sure why you consider the other two better games in the series.
@BloodNinja totally agree absolutely love Gleylancer. Another gem is Eliminate down maybe you have played it.
And this people is why this is and always will be the best generation of gaming. Pure CLASSICS !! And that's just the Megadrive, combined with the Snes, just magic !!!
Well first of all Road Rash 2 is much better than the original and where's Toejam and Earl? Other than that a pretty great list for an amazing console and I'm glad that Warsong has some recognition
A great list and I certainly agree with most of the choices. When I look back on the Mega Drive days, two that stand out that are missing from this list are Street Fighter II and Micro Machines. Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament in particular. Used to love playing that in 4-player mode (with the built-in extra ports), we used to draw straws on who had to use the crappy original 3 button controllers (with short leads) versus the superior 6-button pads.
Couple mistakes in this article. There’s two games where Quackshot and Sonic The Hedgehog should be.
I just noticed that you have three pages worth of "best" games on Genesis/Mega Drive vs two for Super NES/Super Famicom. That seems a bit unbalanced and skewed, in that it basically suggests there's actually more "great" games on Genesis/Mega Drive than Super NES/Super Famicom.
If you can add an extra page of "best" titles for Genesis (and there's a handful of those in your list that I personally consider pretty average), you almost certainly could have managed to find three pages worth of great games for Super NES/Super Famicom too. I mean, there's roughly 1757 Super NES/Super Famicom games, which is more than twice as many as the roughly 878 Genesis/Mega Drive games in total, that's a huge difference, so it would be very strange to imagine there's actually less gems in a catalogue that has the amount of games of the other console plus the same again.
Where are any of the Parodius games? Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy is easily a top 5 shmup on the console (top 3, maybe even number 2 for me personally)? What about top-notch titles like Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, Super Aleste, Ninja Warriors, Super Mario All-Stars, Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, Wild Guns, Killer Instinct, Knights of the Round, Pocky & Rocky, Top Gear 2, or any of the Dragon Quest games, and stuff like that?
Most of these games your own site rated like 8-9/10 and even a 10/10 for one of them.
I think you definitely ignored some greats on Super NES/Super Famicom, titles that are definitely widely considered as good as if not better than a bunch of stuff you added to the Genesis/Mega Drive list, and that easily could have filled another page on the Super NES/Super Famicom similarly.
Maybe when the SNES' next birthday rolls around you can add those titles I listed above to this list too.
Anyway, it's just something that I noticed and wanted to comment on.
I would play Wani Wani World before rainbow islands
Where is Dune II: Battle for Arrakis? It's one of the best and unique games on MD.
Some games I have not played yet.. Let's find them on eBay!
@BloodNinja totally agree absolutely love Gleylancer, another 16bit gem.
The Sega Genesis is my most nostalgic console by far. It is where my gaming story began, and it is the reason I've been passionate about gaming — and Sega games in particular — my whole life. I go through this list, and I realize how many stone cold classics there are. The list almost makes itself, and it could be twice as long easily!
Edit: Case in point, this list needs more Ecco the Dolphin. But it's still a great list!
I'll just refer to my comment #44 again, so hopefully you address the point I raised there in the couple of years you have before the SNES' 35th birthday.
And, as I've said before too, there's lots of genuinely great games on the Genesis list, but some that just aren't good enough to warrant inclusion on a list called Best Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games of all Time imo--unless you're maybe making a Top 50 or Top 100 list. Still, opinions and all . . .
Glad to see Shadow Dancer here! It’s my favorite Genesis game-and much better than the other Shinobi games imho.
I’d also put Ghostbusters on the list-but that’s just me!
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