The first pictures of the Evercade, a retro-oriented handheld console, have been released showing off the cartridges the system will use and announcing the first publisher to jump on board: Atari.
As you can see, the system features a traditional control template with the face buttons adopting the Xbox layout (or Dreamcast, if you prefer). It has a 4.3-inch screen and the ability to output to a TV via HDMI. We quite like the detailing and colouring of these renders and it'll be intriguing to see how the finished product compares.
The first multi-game cartridge to be released will feature 20 classic Atari games including Centipede, Tempest and Missile Command, with further announcements of upcoming cartridges expected soon.
Prices for the console are split between the Standard edition which bundles one cart for £59.99 / €69.99 / $79.99, or the Premium version with three carts for £79.99 / €89.99 / $99.99. That's a significant chunk of money to play some old Atari games, but may be attractive if the console performs well from an emulation perspective and feels comfortable to use.

Beyond the renders and the Atari announcement, the system's vital stats remain as previously reported earlier this month. While its ability to connect to a TV might position it as a Switch rival, this is really a much smaller project with more humble - specifically retro - ambitions. While Atari's endorsement is hardly a seal of quality, it's admirable that the makers of the Evercade are eager to attract big names and we're interested to see what other publishers they've got lined up.
Fans of old games will want to keep an eye on its progress, and purists will want to disable that 'stretched' 16:9 mode immediately. Our biggest criticism (well, our only criticism really) of the brilliant GBA SP is how easy it is to hit 'L' by accident and stretch GB or GBC games horribly to fill the entire screen. Frightful.
How does the Evercade look to you? Do you think these renders will reflect the final product? Share your thoughts below.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Fri 26th April, 2019.
[source evercade.co.uk]
Comments 65
Looks like the Switch Mini rumors were true!
Interesting. I'm not sure I would buy one, but color me interested at the very least.
Whoa... I hope Nintendo have written their epitaph.
Speaking of Atari, what ever happened with the new Atari VCS?
The D-Pad and face buttons are hideous. Unless they manage to feel responsive, not much to see here, and there are far more attractive Droid setups like this that will run any retro rom ya throw at it
@NESlover85 I was literally typing the exact same thing, I wonder if it still exists
It looks decent.
That d-pad tho
Although the form factor looks good I'll pass. I have no desire to pay $100 to play classic Atari games when I already have the Atari Flashback collection on Switch. I'd rather purchase one of the many Rasberry Pi 3 clone portables off eBay.
Sorry had to
I'm a sucker for all portables so I'm in
Who asked for this...who really wants to play these games anymore?
And why is it designed to resemble something from Buck Rodgers?!
Jumping on the retro-bandwagon... but no what is the point of this is exactly?
Nah... ! 🙄
(Back to play Nintendo games)
If you want old Atari games in a system that can be played art home or in the go, get the Atari Flashback Classics for the Switch. Has 150 classic Atari games for $40 on a system that can do so much more.
it actually looks really nice a bit famicomy. would still want to know more but £60 with games seems very reasonable. I guess it will be wait and see but clearly the market they are going for is not the same the switch so seems wrong to compare them.
@carlos82 @NESlover85 Probably indefinitely being delayed until one day it's suddenly and quietly cancelled... In other words, a scam to get money from those who helped crowd fund it.
@clvr Probably because they're hoping this handheld doesn't have a similar button shortcut to stretch the image, I suppose.
You don't have to be a purist to want your image to have the correct proportions by default.
Wait wait wait wait .....so Atari are licencing it's games out while STILL trying to produce and release it's own "console" this year..... with the only games being announced for it being these older Atari games.
Let's just add this to the list of what's Atari gonna do next to bury its own system.
I think I was the only one who liked filling the gba sp screen with Gameboy games
This looks interesting...I’m doubtful that it’ll go over, but I may pick one up.
if they can license some decent retro games, stick 10-20 on a cartridge at say £15-20 a pop I actually think they could be on to a winner. it all depends on how well this console performs and what games they have managed to license. The concept is actually really good and depending on what else they have lined up I would happily get this for a different experience.
They should have gone all out and made the cartridges bigger than the console while they were at it. 😂
Lord, how many more times will people buy the Atari games? I grew up with them, but they really, really, really do NOT hold up today. But it's a start, I suppose. The console itself is not terribly visually appealing and the finish does not look high quality. And I've never, not once, found one of those one-piece D-pads to be satisfactory. They're almost universally cheap, uncomfortable, and inaccurate. It'd be a miracle if this one weren't.
It fills a niche and will be affordable, but that's it. It's barely above the innumerable Chinese Android handhelds.
Atari is just a bit too primitive for me.
Not a strong choice to start off with, since there are plug n plays very similar to this...some of them from atari.
Those full round D pads are never good. This console will be in the clearance bins within a few months due to lack of alluring content and the cheapness of the design. Still though, if this system can be modded it may be fun for a niche market.
At least this has some Atari 7800 games, which the Atari Flashback Classics didn't have. Would love a collection of 7800 games for the Switch.
@ThanosReXXX you’re a freaking ninja dude, it took me all of one minute to realize it, feel stupid and delete it ahahahahahahah
I wish they had a better combo of games. Really no interest in the 2800, but 7800 and Lynx would be cool.
4.3 inch screen is too small, especially since it's 16:9. Once you adjust it to the 4:3 ratio, how small is that? It's like an iPhone from 10 years ago. No fun playing on something that small.
Could they not have done a 4:3 screen? The cheap Chinese clone systems I’ve seen have managed it.
I'm probobly not getting one based off the dpad alone. I'll stick with my switch! The game selection is also pretty bad so far.
Looks like the Polymega has some competition for the Vaporware of the Year award.
@duffmmann What's a Swotch? Sorry, had to joke about that.
Looks very Chinese.
@clvr Oh, great. Now I look stupid by apparently replying to a non-existing comment...
@ThanosReXXX that’s what you get for your zeal lol 😉
I like the idea in principle (I even suggested something similar about releasing the likes of NES/SNES/Mega Drive Classic with a working mini cartridge slot that could actually take compilation carts of around 20 games a piece, and that indies could even develop all new games for too); don't like the look of the thing in this case though.
So this is the Atari Lynx 3 then?
@clvr And then the world wonders why some good people go bad...
Are those 7800 games? I have been waiting forever for that. Please "Atari" Just release a compilation on the Switch and not a stand alone device.
Atari Lynx compilation - now that would have been interesting!
I'll always be down for a game of Tempest or Centipede, but I have no need for this whatsoever. There are more than enough retro games, including the Atari collection, on the Switch.
Pity the D-pad is utter mince otherwise I may have been a bit interested.
Hmm I think they really missed the window for something like this. I have the Atari Classics collection on my Switch and I would much rather just play them that way.
Hey, waaaaaaait a minute... They're completely ripping off psp 2000/3000/go!
I know it's not a popular subject with everyone, but I have the best and near perfect emulation machine that I've wanted for years. It's name? ... A hacked Switch! It's my original launch week Switch. I bought another screen only new unit as my legit machine for about £140. So I share the dock and controllers. I know, I know, but I'm no pirate, and yes I only ever play through games I own physically or digitally but this thing is incredible. Let me reiterate - I never steal games - and I don't support those who do. It's cost me a lot of money to build the collection I have. But oh my giddy aunt it's incredible. I can play almost everything up to PS1 perfectly. N64 and PSP is very nearly there, and I believe Gamecube and Wii will happen within a year or so. Having a perfect portable with first-party Nintendo controls for all my retro titles that I can instantly play on the big screen is mind blowing. Hell, it's worth it for being a perfect portable SNES alone! Tell me another decent portable that can handle Super FX games perfectly? I guess that particular Switch will be banned but I'm using it completely offline, and frankly I wouldn't care. I've been wanting the perfect way to play my legitimately purchased games for some time. This will be my retro machine for years to come.
@FragRed Sounds about right.
@KingdomHeartsFan I think its their own thing again. Its not really worth a whole lot anymore unfortunately. They made a bit of a comeback in the late 90s, but since then theyve kinda dug a pit for themselves by not trying anything new.
As BIG as an Atari fan I was/still am, I need to see way more! The Switch has become such a retro and classic gaming Powerhouse despite Nintendo’s dumb NES online only/no Virtual Console move, that I’m satisfied on a Retro/classic level with the Switch. Besides, I just picked up the Atari Flashback Switch Collection anyway!!
Ninja Golf? isn't that that one game that's on all the "best worst box art" lists?
@ThanosReXXX lol, sometimes it’s easier than you think ahahahahahah
For any developer thinking of making games on this thing; just release them on the switch instead... I like physical copies but digital is all the rage now I guess.
that d pad looks terrible.
Looks cool but this thing really needs quality games so anyone will buy it. I mean it needs some modded PSP-esque content to justify the price. And we all no that there will be no Nintendo or Sony games on the device.
Maybe if it is beefy enough to emulate PS1 (or even PS2) an gets hacked it might get a fanbase of its own.
2600 and 7800 games should be played from original carts. They are things of beauty. 😍
@KingdomHeartsFan the Jag has an incredible homebrew community today. I’ve picked up over 20 new carts in the last year. Not cheap though. 😵
@KingdomHeartsFan well it looks nice on my shelf so far- picked up another ten Dreamcast games and 13 Saturn ones so it’s part of a mahoosive back log. 😱
7800 games!?!?
WOW - total trash!
@Asaki It's about time. I'm not saying the 7800 library is a goldmine, but there's definitely some good stuff hidden in there that no one knows about because the NES ruled at the time and the 2600 gets all the retro attention now. It's nice to see Ninja Golf made the list. I love that game! But for the love of all things holy, why is Desert Falcon the 2600 version?! It's unplayable! The 7800 version was actually decent.
@TheFox Yes, Ninja Golf is great. I also really like Dark Chambers, and IIRC they had a really nice version of Asteroids with 2-player support...if this handheld even supports multiplayer...
It looks CG enough for them to back off and stop wasting their money on a system that will fail. 1 game per cart ? Go to hell Evercade.
I don't really see it as a Switch rival, but kinda like a bit cheaper option that you can play some older (and more iconic) games on. Definitely something to be excited about.
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