UK publisher Bitmap Books' latest Visual Compendium is now available to buy, following its successful crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.
The next in the company's long-running series of books which focus on a single format (past entries include the NES and SNES), Sega Master System: A Visual Compendium is 424 pages of 8-bit goodness, packed with colourful screenshots, gorgeous bespoke photography and loads of brand-new exclusive interviews; even Mark Cerny, the man who designed the PlayStation 4, PS Vita and upcoming PS5 has been tempted to contribute. Mark spent some of his early career at Sega of Japan, and speaks about meeting Michael Jackson, creating unique Master System games and much more besides. Mutsuhiro Fujii, Takashi Shoji, Steve Hanawa and Rieko Kodama are also interviewed.
If you're unsure about picking up a copy, check out the images below. Like the NES and SNES books, this is a lavish and incredibly well-produced piece of work, and even if you're more of a Nintendo than Sega fan, it's well worth a read if only to get a little more knowledge of the company that would become Nintendo's biggest rival during the next console generation.

This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Tue 18th June, 2019.
Comments 27
Got it. It's lovely.
It's a great book, already had me on eBay buying games I'd missed or never heard of.
Bitmap Books are excellent. I got their Amiga Compendium a week ago, and it's very high quality, and very complete information-wise, so if that book is any indication of their usual quality, then I would say that this Sega version of their "Visual Compendium" book line is pretty much a must-buy and must-have for every Sega 8-bit fan.
I never knew much about the Master System. Never owned one but a friend did, but he only had one or two games that I can barely remember, but I was always curious about it. Might just have to get that book.
@ThanosReXXX ok, so we can get it here in the states?...i just don't see US Currency.
@Joe-b Just look for them on Amazon, or any other online store that sells video game-related books. I didn't get mine from the official site either.
Great, thanks. The Master System is my all time favorite. I'm getting the book!
@Joe-b Hm.. I just checked Amazon, and although all their other books are on there, this particular one isn't. Maybe it'll come a bit later. Here's the link, so you can keep tabs on it, or maybe you could send them an email to find out if it's going to be available on Amazon at all:
Bitmap Books themselves do ship globally, though, so you could also check their FAQ page about shipping abroad, and use a currency calculator to see how much it'll set you back for.
Wow! Thank you so much!
I heard there's a similar book but it's half the games, I guess a "2nd half" is another book...i don't want half a book. I'll keep this link and see what I can find out! Thanks again. Some of the best games I ever played were on the Master system.
I don't know why the SNES book isn't available on Amazon yet, considering the NES one is, and at 50% most of the time (that's how I got it).
I see the Master System one isn't there either.
Of course I mean hardback. Paperback I know is available, but hardback in SNES case never was.
Nice book. :9
For now, I can just admire the 48 physical MasterSystem boxes I have on display right here next to my desk, however.
There is an awful lot of Sega on Nintendo Life. I'm not a Sega fan, but it's nice to give them a home on that loving website
@Pod Here’s #49 : Revenge of Humble Brag
"Oh me? I am not a game collector, I just find it hard to let go of things."
@Joe-b unfortunately Bitmap Books had to close their US store due to the fulfillment center being awful.
I didn't have a Master System when it was popular back in the day, but two friends had it with some games and I have very nice memories of this system. I bought one some years ago just for my collection.
Master System's game library is very good!!
It’s a fantastic book. I got it through the Kickstarter. I’m very much in the Nintendo camp but back in the late 80s the only console we had was a Master System.
The only caveat with this book is that due to licensing issues they couldn’t include any Wonder Boy games so no Dragon’s Trap for example. 🙁
The master system was my first console, and I still have a master system II. It is a great system to collect for as the vast majority of games are pretty cheap. Also, and unusually, Europe was where the most number of titles were published, so prices in the U.K. tend to be cheaper than elsewhere globally (except perhaps Brazil!)
@AcridSkull that bites...
I am in the US and have bought the NES/SNES books from them directly. At the top right there is a small box that says GBP - click it and you can change it to USD or some other currencies.
This book is $37.61 US + Shipping (which I didn't find too bad).
Yah, that's great! I'll check out all options the Master System is my all time favorite.
It's a lovely looking book - something about the Master System's colour palette has translated remarkably well into print. Really highlights the best of a wide range of games - shines a new light on plenty of ones that I'd written off as not all that interesting!
Counting the days until the inevitable Mega Drive book is announced.
Edit: Anyone else have trouble with the 3D glasses? I know the blue/red ones are kind of mostly only a novelty anyway, but I find that I don't really start to get the effect doesn't really work even a little unless I hold the book as far away as possible. Best to not do this when anyone else is around
It is a great book and bitmap is just fantastic. I own all 6 of their main books (3 I bought afterwards and 3 I backed).
My first console was the Sega Master System. It had Sonic The Hedgehog installed inside. Great memories... Strider and Ecco the Dolphin were excellent games, Spacegun a great shooter too.
I have their NES and SNES compendiums, and their SFC Box Art book which is probably my favourite. I’ll definitely get this, but I have a bit of a backlog of gaming books to get through at the moment. I do love a good gaming book.
Before N64 rocked my world, I was all about Psycho Fox on the Master System. There was just something about it that was mysterious and awesome.
This is a really well made little book. Also, it credits NintendoLife at the back.
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