UK-based online retailer Funstock is selling an exclusive black edition of the upcoming Evercade console - perfect for any dark mode fans out there.
Releasing on the same day as the standard model (20th March, 2020), the black edition will be available in a Premium Edition bundle or in an All-In Edition bundle. The Premium Edition comes with three cartridges and costs £79.99, while the All-In bundle has nine cartridges and a case included for £149.99. You can also snag either of these bundles in white for the same price.
Pre-orders for all of the above are due to go live on 6th September at 10am BST.
If you've missed all the excitement regarding the Evercade and its retro cartridge collections, you can catch up on all of our coverage right here. It's starting to build up an impressive library of games, and the thing isn't even out yet.
Liking the new black model? Thinking of pre-ordering one of these next week? Share your thoughts with us in the usual place.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Fri 30th August, 2019.
[source funstock.co.uk]
Comments 34
Oh boi new old games with a new console gg
Well... I guess I'm all in.
Since it's releasing in March 2020 i think i'll just save that $150 and put it towards the next PS or XBOX.
Why are they still promoting this thing here? This sounds like a ridiculous handheld to be spending $150 on, especially right before the $200 Switch Lite releases. I have a lot of quality concerns with the Evercade and the whole concept seems outdated and unnecessary. I already got most of the games it is offering on my Switch and the Switch has so much more to offer.
Is there still a lot of demand for versions of Pac-Man that reshape the grid and simplify the 40 year old graphics when the Museum collection offers the real thing? I guess if it does a decent Earthworm Jim it might have a use, but a new unit for 2019 should offer better than the same compromised home version of a game we saw in 1985.
@JayJ shhh... Don't ask questions like that around here. People will get all riled up because omg oldskool is so cool or whatever.
Comments against this device are hated to the point of oblivion on this site
@JayJ I think it's $/£150 for the machine and all the games cartridges currently released. The machine is about $80 with 3 cartridges (about 50/60 retro games). I also have some concerns about it – but in general I think it's a cool idea imo.
Also the Switch Lite stupidly doesn't support HDMI out at all, which the Evercade does at a lot lower price point. I'm sure Nintendo could have included the option with a dedicated cable if they tried.
I'm sure It'll do very well, but to me it's the Switch Lite that is a bit of a fail – no TV mode! no HD rumble and still no bluetooth - but at a premium price. Omitting those first 2 in particular means I'll never buy a Switch Lite – they are too important to me – despite the fact that I would have loved a lighter Switch. So to me, and maybe others, a Switch Lite is no good – but I'm getting kinda interested in an Evercade, alongside my full fat Switch.
Like I say, Switch Lite will sell very well, but it's not without its issues, and I don't see a problem with other companies playing the market with a different approach. I hope the machine does well.
@MagnaRoader I'm challenging JayJ's view because its challenge worthy - not because of blind nostalgia. I get the Evercade has specific appeal and is not for the masses, but it has some appeal nontheless, so what's the problem?
I might get one just for ClayFighter 2, Top Gear, and Earthworm Jim.
It's a bit of a gamble, because we currently have no way of knowing which other companies will get on board, or how many new cartridges will be released going ahead... but I am so tempted to pre-order this. I just love the idea of it, and there's already some great games on it. I wonder what the nine carts are exactly, though... I will have to check the website. I am strangely excited by this project.
what games are we looking at?
mac pan
konky bong country
bonder woy in lonster mand?
nintendolife - proudly sponsored by Evercade 😁
@brunojenso No worries I am sure some people such as yourself find value in this and that is great for you, it's just that I have always had a hard time finding this concept appealing. In any case I don't think you are going to get far trying to trash the Switch Lite in favor of promoting this console, regardless of whatever features or design decisions you don't like about the Switch Lite it is a far more fully featured console than this is and it has a far wider variety of games to offer which is simply an objective fact.
There is also the fact that with the Switch Lite you are buying a first party Nintendo handheld electronic which is a company with proven quality and standards. The Evercade is completely unproven when it comes to that and nobody knows how well made these are or how reliable they will be, and the game support is very questionable at best. This is just a niche product for people who are into obscure retro inspired gaming stuff from odd 3'rd party sources.
Personally love this , even if it never gets any more cartridges beyond what’s announced it would make at the very least an interesting attempt at making a dedicated retro console handheld . I really hope it does well as they really are trying hard to bring something that appeals to people who love collecting ! Those cartridges look awesome !
Oh and the prices of the cartridges are only £15! Such a bargain !
@PALversusNTSC no it's ponder in ponderland lol
@JayJ Sure I can agree with all that. And yes I can agree it can't compete with the Switch Lite for all the reasons you mention – but it was you that started mentioning price differences and the merits of one over the other.
As you say this is a niche product, a bit obscure, and wonderful because of it.
If I'm honest one possible interest for me is that this thing will probably be easily hackable, (if not quietly encouraged to do so by the manufacturers) – and if it is, and if that screen is 720p or more, and if the buttons are good, then this could make for one hell of a good retro handheld for all my roms I have a **legal copy of** (and no I'm not just saying that - I don't steal). Since this is also a **hybrid console** at a starting price of £59 (with one cart) it's kinda mind-blowing if they do it right. Even the size is nice.
But as you importantly state, the company is an unknown entity and they have plenty of ways to mess this up. We'll see.
@brunojenso Yeah it sounds like you know what you like about this, you are definitely the kind of person they are making it for. There's definitely worse ways to spend your money, hope you enjoy it!
Hope it does well. Looks the part
Why would anybody buy a handheld like this for that amount of money in 2020, is beyond me.
10-15 years ago? Maybe.
This console design reminds me of track suits from the 1980's. Cheezy and lacking real style.
@construx 15 years ago the Nintendo DS was launch, it doesn't have HDMI out and only a handful of games but it does had GBA backwards compatibility and is region free plus it launch at $150 just like this.
Just buy an LDK LANDSCAPE for 50 quid.
Just built my Retropie Gameboy for 70 euros with 15000 games. Thanks anyway
Hard pass. Just put classic arcade games on the Switch.
It still looks like it costs. That D pad looks awful and would of benefited greatly by also beng black here.
As I have said in previous articles: I actually really like the idea of this console, but I'm just not a fan of the overall design of the thing.
~$80 for 40+ actual games instead of the crap on the retrobit handhelds isn't that bad a deal. I figure this will do well with the first/second generation fans, hobbyists, and kids that end up with this as a gift from grandma with little other options.
If more developers come on board (Capcom, Sega, and maybe some indies) then this might be something, but I would imagine the firm price on carts limits this thing.
@Zidentia Kinda true, but interesting you say that since it's clearly echoing the Famicom and NES design themes. Maybe it could be said they were bad designs too – and I'm not sure I could argue.
Didn't all Trolls on here say the Switch couldn't do it but here it is 2019 and it's selling better then ps4. Now tell me again whom says they know better? Evercade is niche product and will do better then expected for Collectors and Retro Gamers and new Gamers to see where games came from. But also to bring more options to the "Portable Gaming" aka Switch. This is the biggest reason it will sell beyond expectations.
Did someone at NL invest a bunch in a kickstarter? How many updates can we expect for a system that has absolutely ZERO to do with Nintendo? Or did we forget the title of the web site?
No need thx. Too much rumor for nothing.
@brunojenso They certainly are both examples of 1980s design. If I had to choose between a Famicon and an Evercade design the Famicon would win but it is a contest that lacks merit regardless.
Not worth a pre-order without knowing the build quality and circle d-pads usually don't work too well. I really hate the faceplate. Why put a red line next to two sides of the screen? All that's going to do is cause the image to look un-centered.
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