What a rollercoaster ride the Polymega has been. When it was first announced the excitement was palpable; here was an all-in-one solution for retro fans which would allow them to harness their existing collection of games and play them with modern creature comforts, such as save states, patches and HD output. Such an epic venture was always going to be prone to some delays, but Polymega has been pushed back more than once, with its latest (tentative) release window being February (yes, the month just gone).
The machine has missed this revised release window, with reports from Japan suggesting that production has been delayed by the ongoing civil unrest in Myanmar. NK Trading Co., Ltd., the Japanese distributor of the system, has stated that "satisfactory supply cannot be provided"; it is also citing the COVID-19 pandemic as a contributing factor. NK Trading is aiming for a shipment within the year (it's not known if this refers to the calendar year or the financial year, the latter of which ends at the start of April) but notes that it is, at present, "difficult to predict an accurate schedule." It was reported that this production delay is also believed to impact North American and European orders.
We contacted Playmaji for comment and the company confirmed the Japanese report:
Polymega is still shipping but its coming out slower than expected from our Myanmar factory due to the protests that are happening. The modules and controllers are made in China, while the console is assembled in Myanmar. The timing is changing daily which is why we haven't announced anything concrete yet. We are still on track to ship everything here over the next few weeks.
Drama over? Not quite. Today, it came to light that Playmaji has had its business licence suspended in the state of California, where it is based.
So, is the sky falling in the world of Polymega? Not quite. Playmaji told us the following:
There was some kind of issue with our last tax payment in 2020 related to an old credit card we had on file. We're paying a penalty for it, and our accountant is resolving it now. Also, it's worth noting that Playmaji, LLC is just one of our corporations – we have multiple, so the tax suspension is just for California.
We were invited to join the system's beta test last year and were granted access to a pre-production variant of the system. Polymega absolutely delivers on its promise to be an "all-in-one" retro solution, so it's a shame that its launch has been impacted in this fashion.
Earlier this year, it was announced that the thousands of people who had pre-ordered via North American retailer Walmart would need to place fresh orders direct with Playmaji, as Walmart had apparently "gone silent" on the company.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Mon 8th March, 2021.
Comments 47
“Sorry we couldn’t deliver the console on time, our slave labour’s just not coming through for us because they’re out protesting against a military coup”.
Sure... this is the Duke Nukem Forever of consoles...
What a joke of a system, it keeps on coming and coming and coming but never got here. Odd how the beta testers got theirs for free but the actual customers and backers who pay for this still had to wait.
I think they just want more profit, so they just never made the hardware, desperately waiting for component prices to go down
Good God, why is it that all-in-one machines are always prone to issues, be it stuff like this or hardware flaws? Maybe hold off on that lofty title of The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine next time.
Polymega delays.
Polymega disappointing.
Polymega pain in the .....
Shame, I like the idea of the machine.
Hopefully it finally delivers.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi I’m a beta tester and it wasn’t free
How many of these will honestly sell? Between the mini consoles, emulation and modding an Xbox/Wii, it seems we're hitting a saturation point for demand for retro gaming.
Yeah polymega looks like it's in trouble , nice concept but let down by production issues , distribution issues and a hefty price.
Plus most of the stuff it does is available from software emulators already.
wasn't this released on April Fools 2019?
Beta testers paid for their units. The "free beta unit" story is a frequent lie put out by the bandwagon-riding naysayers.
only hope is for them to sell this to someone like hyperkin... they hoped on lower production costs... instead they blew through initial funds, and now are using preorder funds to try to fund original orders. They are likely weeks away from bankruptcy.
Also kinda SUSPECT that playmagi speaks to NO ONE, except for nintendolife? hmmm emoji
Hopefully enough people ask for refunds to penalize this bad behavior. Payment should be when shipped. Especially this product.
I remember almost pre-ordering one when it was very first announced and I'm glad I never did. I still want it to come out, and I want it to be great, but after all this I'm perfectly willing to wait as long as it takes and get one when they are readily available (if ever) and if they are indeed worth it.
As much of a will it won't it get released console this has turned out to be. It is kind of the worst place to be manufacturing it now because of everything going on there and how movement in and out of the country has been really restrictive.
People who are blaming them for making excuses, well this one is a pretty legitimate one and it's not like they agreed to have it manufactured there after everything that has happened recently they probably came to the agreement a long time ago.
@illsellyoursoul Other outlets (and, indeed, anyone who cares to visit their website) have their email address; not our fault that none of them bother to ask for comment before leaping to conclusions.
@gaga64 If they had any sense of humor they'd ship it with Duke Nukem Forever pre-installed.
Well so much for buying this next month...
@Damo everyone has their email address, yet they only respond to you? On day 8 since trying to get refund (since the last claim was Feb release), will you assist Customer Service Damien?
Why this news site is so adamant in covering what is basically a Retron5?
This is what happens when you fund the development and production of a console solely on preorders using other people’s hard earned money. I doubt any customer will see ever a console.
Can’t believe Nintendolife are defending them.
It just seems to be excuses after excuses, stalling for time until ultimately the company goes bankrupt.
The whole thing has been a fiasco from day one.
Customers ultimately paying for the emperors new clothes.
Even if it were releasing flawlessly, it doesn't support the game consoles I'd be most interested in.
I would want it to support Game Boy, GBC, GBA, N64 and Gamecube. These are the systems I have a lot of actual physical games for that I'd also want to play and I don't already have half a dozen other platforms that I can get them on very easily.
Because they got one free and are compelled to give it favorable coverage
I am psyched for the Polymega. Have been for the past several years. I hope it delivers.
@WhiteTrashGuy you can get better accuracy and features right now with a Windows PC or a MiSTer FPGA. Polymega is just an ordinary clone console.
No surprises here. Thank goodness MiSTer is most likely getting PS1 and Saturn support. I've sold my preorder of this to my buddy because it no longer holds any value to me. Hopefully it gets fulfilled so I don't lose $350.
"What a rollercoaster ride the Polymega has been." Yeah, if the rollercoaster had one hill (when announced in 2017 for release in February 2018) and then was one long rollercoaster going down.
Here is a quote from the initial Nintendolife article "For the people who are speculating $300, it won't be nearly that much"
@Sherrick1980 @CrimsonLaceStudio Okay but still their customer service was terrible. They could have at least sent updates if they won't be able to meet demands.
@Zenszulu Still the beta testers got one with no issue, MadLittlePixel just got his 3 months ago and he never even ask for one. Ironically the time when MLP got his unit was the same month the console was suppose to originally launch.
I have a sizable Sega CD, Dreamcast, Genesis, and NES collection. I would like to be able to dump the carts/CDs on a system I can then plug into my tv. While I have made back-ups of my Sega CD games, this still seems like the best option.
Yes because people clearly can't get a cheaper emulation box that does all this and more.
Oh wait.
@WhiteTrashGuy if works for you, then nobody has to say you anything.
They gave them out to websites and YouTube influencers for free to get positive advertising and pre-sell even more units.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who actually paid for them out of pocket years ago have yet to get theirs yet.
Scumbag move by a scumbag company.
I hope for everybody that gave money or is really excited about this device that they end up getting your unit and you are happy about the unit. That said, I would not pre-order this unit or give them any money until they start shipping units. There are significant red flags that they are out of money and need more to actually manufacture units. And not only have they missed every deadline they've set, they've actually lied about shipping units before. So I think everybody should be really skeptical about this until customers start receiving their orders.
Replying to
Couldn't make it, too busy shipping!
5:45 PM · Jan 7, 2020·Twitter for Androidhttps://twitter.com/polymegahq/status/1214679588678225921
Here’s another reason to flat out never preorder anything that isn’t already complete. It just seems to be a loophole for companies to take the money and run. You get zero guarantee on an actual solid release date and there’s no repercussions if the product isn’t delivered.
Look at the Paprium debacle and what has happened with Bloodlines 2..
There are so many red flags here with the Polymega it isn’t even funny. Walmart clearly saw the writing on the wall.
I feel for the people who have put money down on this thing and I really hope they get the item or their money back.
Isn't there always unrest in Burma?
@Jawessome The thing is that Paprium game did finally arrive but it arrive in such a bad shape that I wouldn't guaranteed it to anyone. The cartridge had a microSD card slot that the dev use to sent updates to the game but most of those updates are just the Watermelon dev sending firmware to block the game from working on other platforms such as the Mega Sg, clone consoles like the Retron 3 and Super Retro Trio, and even the Sega Genesis Model 3 and Nomad. Kevtris had to released a new firmware for the Mega Sg to make the game work on the system while Terra Onion released their firmware to make the game work on their Mega SD flash cartridge. It seems one of dev team of Paprium did not want his game working on Analogue's product such as the Mega Sg or anything clone related or flash cartridge.
Damian, your becoming a cheerleader for this company looking at your twitter
Being assembled in Myanmar? Seriously? That’s the worst “dog ate my homework” type excuse in corporate history.
@nessisonett Are you posting this comment a machine made in the USA? If so, you probably paid more and got a lower quality machine.
@SeveredLegs I’m posting this through my fax machine attached to a potato battery. Do better.
@nessisonett The Irish were slaves to the potato. Show some respect.
@SeveredLegs I’m literally Irish Catholic.
@WhiteTrashGuy It does not support Dreamcast, whitetrashguy.
I must have been thinking of Saturn! The main systems I want to back up are Genesis, Sega CD, Playstation, NES, and SNES. Hate pulling those out everytime I want to play the original and not a ROM that feels a bit off.
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