The Evercade handheld is becoming a real godsent for retro gamers, and the latest announcement – following hot on the heels of the Evercade VS – is sure to go down well with players of a certain age.
It has been confirmed that the next Evercade cartridge release will include the works of legendary UK code house The Bitmap Brothers. Established in London in 1987, the studio quickly became famous for the high standard of its games, as well as the 'rock star' status of its founders, Mike Montgomery, Eric Matthews and Steve Kelly.
The cartridge – which is due for launch in September – will include the following games:
- The Chaos Engine (appears to be the SNES version, judging from the trailer)
- Speedball (Master System, again, judging from the trailer)
- Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe (Mega Drive, no SNES version exists)
- Speedball 2100 (PlayStation)
- Xenon 2: Megablast (Mega Drive, no SNES version exists)

As has been the case with other Evercade carts, these are all console versions, despite The Bitmap Brothers finding fame on home computers like the Atari ST and Amiga. What's notable about this cart is that for the first time on the Evercade, we're seeing an offering from a 32-bit console in the form of the PlayStation title Speedball 2100.
Blaze, the company behind the Evercade, has worked with Bitmap Brothers rights holder Rebellion on this collection. Evercade Marketing Manager, Sean Cleaver, had this to say:
It’s great to bring the Bitmap Brothers to Evercade. It’s one of the collections that we’ve been asked about from the beginning of Evercade and one we’ve been excited to bring to the Evercade devices. The Bitmap Brothers hold a special place in the heart of many gamers from the late 80s and early 90s, not just in the UK but around the world. And with the upcoming release of the Evercade VS, it’s a great showcase of multiplayer and co-op gaming from one of the British Games Industry greats.
Previous Evercade collections have featured plenty of Nintendo-related content, including NES and SNES games. The lineup also includes a collection based on the output of Sensible Software, another hugely respected UK studio from the same period as The Bitmap Brothers.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Wed 5th May, 2021.
Comments 43
Nice , looks like I'll have to get an Evercade now.
Where's God's and Magic Pockets?
Not gonna buy an Evercade for this, but if they ever feel like doing the sensible thing and releasing the collection on Switch then we can boogie.
This brings back memories of the Amiga! All classics I once owned.
@mattmayatt Gods is on the Switch!
The Chaos Engine is definitely a better title than its USA counterpart, Soldiers of Fortune.
@gcunit I got one, if for that I just uh HAD to get the Piko collection, of all things.
Chaos Engine 2?..Nice selection but some stuff missing.
Hahahaha Speedball 2 ! It was really good.
Great selection of games but all the versions mentioned are inferior to the Amiga versions of these games
@mattmayatt I loved Magic Pockets! I remember the hype before a new Bitmap Brothers game being huge!
So they are skipping Xenon from CDTV which had full CD soundtrack with some legendary tunes in 1991?
The best Speedball 2 AGA version on CD32 version is missing too.
Not a big deal for me as i own real CD32 and CDTV and can still play the best versions.
They should have used Amiga versions only as they were the best. It's sad to see the downgraded MegaDrive versions used in the video.
No purchase for me as they ignore Amiga 100%. The platform they were most popular on too.
Particularly as the Turrican Flashback collection has just done such a great job. Didn't realise it was MD/PC ports. Not as excited now, the one on Gods Remastered was absolute ass compared to the original.
They may not be the best versions possible but this is still possibly my favourite game announcement of the year!
I assume the reason they haven't done any home computer game releases yet (like Amiga) is that they want to keep things simple and many of those games require some sort of keyboard inputs.
Speedball 2 on switch when, Rebellion?
AMAZING!!! A reason to own an evecade finally
Looks good, but agree, shame no Magic Pockets.
Who here remembers that being played over THE PHONE as a competition on Saturday morning kids TV?
"LEFT" "JUMP" etc.
@DoctorShrunk blummin hell aye🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mattmayatt collection 2 fingers crossed 🤞
I am now gonna have to buy an Evercade
But would really want these on Switch. Will be interested to know if the ‘Bomb the Bass’ soundtrack is included on Xenon 2
Edit: commented before fully reading the Article. No Amiga versions is a big mistake
Anyone know if the speedball 2 version on megadrive was as good as the Amiga?
@datamonkey it’s definitely playable but the sound is awful it repeats the first few bars of the main tune but in a whiny megadrive kinda way and no ice cream , ice cream during replays plus it doesn’t look quite as sharp
@datamonkey from what I remember the Amiga had better Sound than the MD Version.
Edit: Did not read the above post before I replied. Doh!
I still have the Game Boy Advance version of Speedball 2, and they sell Ice Cream
@DoctorShrunk Haha, I remember that. Now that was an example of some serious input latency!
From Article:
„ What's notable about this cart is that for the first time on the Evercade, we're seeing an offering from a 32-bit console in the form of the PlayStation title Speedball 2100.“
No, it‘s the second PSX title in the collection. The first is „Football Madness“ on the „Piko 2“ cartridge.
Oh good, more inferior versions to the originals just because Blaze can't be arsed to optimise an Amiga or DOS emulator for them!
This is why I sold my Evercade, I liked the idea, it's nice to have physical media (I have some on my Amiga but those disks are degrading) but you do often get worser versions and they are bare bones emulated versions too.
Eventually Evercade became more like a Neverplayed.
@Gerald Yeah the Evercade is a huge missed opportunity, the Oliver Twins Compilation sounded like an excellent idea, as does the upcoming Codemasters Collections (but you are getting weaker versions. I understand why Cannon Fodder is the Mega Drive version, its tailored to a controller rather than a mouse but when you think Dizzy, you think C64, ZX81, Amiga, Amstrad, not NES! *****, they didn't even put the Mega Drive version of Fantastic Dizzy and slapped on the NES one instead.
Blaze are lazy.
Oh man no “Z”
@Gerald @Gs69 hah thanks guys, how can there be no ice cream?!
The nostalgia was drawing me to this but might give it a miss…
@datamonkey it’s great on GBA but my personal favourite remake is on PSP/Vita it’s a great version with improved graphics and the sound is a lot like the Amiga
So much Amiga love in the comments. This makes my day.
This just pushed Evercade right up the list of things I should purchase. Can never have enough speedball 2. Ice cream....
@Slowdive The license for UAE prevents them from just porting it to Switch and other systems for profit
Lacks the best versions, do not deserves to be bought.
I have only recently received my Evercade and I play it more than my Switch.
I love Xenocrisis and it is way more comfortable in my hands than Switch will ever be.
Can't wait for this.
Sure it's not the Amiga versions but I don't care.
I'm happy with more retro goodness.
I'm not going to complain when I'm getting manuals in my physical releases.
Sigh... no Amiga versions. What a shame.
Gods Remastered is already out on Switch by Robot Riot games (they seem to be a small outfit with mostly phone games on their resume)
That might stop Gods being part of this.
If they added a second collection with Xenon 1, Chaos Engine 2, Magic Pockets and the Cadaver games I could be very tempted... if it came to switch. I really cannot justify another system in my life.
Not using the Amiga or Atari ST versions is a shame and Xenon 2 without the proper megablast music is not Xenon 2.
Forgot about that, great version. Might have to boot up the PS3 later.
Well whatever was just used for the Turrican collection was pretty much perfect, problem solved.
@SpringDivorce oh man does it work on ps3 I know it’s a PlayStation mini but all this time I genuinely didn’t know it worked on PS3 😂
Btw. I have to correct myself from post #26.
It seems, the upcoming Worms Armaggeddon is also the PSX version. As this was announced before the Bitmap Brothers, Speedball 2100 will be the 3rd PSX game for Evercade, not the 1st!
Indeed it does, I have a few of them - Speedball, Ikari Warriors, Sonic Wings.
@SpringDivorce yeah I have ikari warriors too gonna try it out thanks for letting me know 👍🏻
@Slowdive they don't have the rights to the bios. The Kickstart roms. There are still court cases about the rights to the OS. Blaze isn't being lazy they just didn't have it available as a choice. They are working on emulating more systems.
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