Those who pre-ordered the much-delayed Intellivision Amico console have been told via email that they're going to have to wait a little longer to get their hands on the machine.
The system – which features Wii-style motion controls and a unique Wii U-like controller – was supposed to launch in October of 2020, but the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic saw this date get pushed to April 2021. This was then changed to October 2021 before this third delay.
Here's the statement that was sent to those who have pre-ordered the console (thanks, VGC):
The team at Intellivision has been working tirelessly to bring Amico, our family-focused entertainment system, to eager households around the world.
We’ve grown to a strong and stable company of more than 60 passionate team members spanning three continents, representing some of the industry’s best talent. All of us are extremely excited to share Amico with you.
We originally planned to launch Amico in the Fall of 2020 but had to adapt during the midst of the global pandemic disrupting our production.
Despite our best efforts, and now facing new unprecedented international component supply and logistics challenges beyond our control, we want to apologise as we are forced to push our desired launch date yet again.
In spite of these supply hurdles hampering our ability to fill all orders, we are focused and determined to deliver pre-ordered units by the end of the year. This will also allow us more time to optimise our operating system for future game development.
We want to ensure that those who have anticipated the Amico for so long, get a chance to enjoy it as soon as possible. Of course, we will keep all of our customers and interested parties informed and updated on our continued progress.
Intellivision adds that those who have pre-ordered will get a "very special thank you gift via email next week” as an apology.

Speaking exclusively to Nintendo Life last month, Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico admitted that component shortages were making production of the Amico challenging, but held firm on the October launch date:
The final hardware is completed and we’ve passed almost every compliance test around the world (over 50 tests) and for the most part, we are ready to go into production. But there are over 700 different parts that make up an Amico and over 100 of them are electronic components. Unfortunately, because we have touch screens on our controllers, as a small company we are finding it extremely difficult to secure 4 of those 100+ parts. We started securing components last November. We’ve been spending millions in order to achieve this and be ahead of the game. But so many things have been changing so quickly and all of this stuff comes from China. That is how Playstations, Xboxes and Switches are made. No exceptions, but that is the reality of electronics right now.
At the end of July, Intellivision even published a video showing "50,000 physical products" being packed in the factory, ready for the proposed October release.
A family-focused revival of the Intellivision brand which was popular during the early '80s, the Amico has come under fire recently following the publication of documents from the Amico developer portal, as well as the fact that its games look rather uninspiring when compared to titles running on consoles like the Switch (the Amico's price puts it in competition with Nintendo's hybrid system). However, Tallarico has assembled a pretty robust team at Intellivision – including former Nintendo executives – and he's adamant there's a place for another Wii-style home console in the market, even with the Switch selling almost 90 million units.
Were you one of the people who pre-ordered the Amico? What are your thoughts on this latest delay? Let us know with a comment below.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Sat 7th August, 2021.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 93
Oh nooo…..anyway
DOA. I'll pick one up at £100 next year.
It's hard to believe if this thing will ever come out. Some of the people I know that were originally interested in this system already cancelled their pre-order. With the Switch OLED and many great games hitting the holiday later this year it's really difficult to get excited about the Amico at this point.
Is it safe to say this is more Phillips CDi than 3DO? Or even Atari Jaguar? Perhaps even M2?
Tell the OUYA we said hi 😂
Boy, that's a strange system. Until this article, I wasn't even aware of its existence. I took a look at its games and they sure do seem unimpressive. It's weird, too, that so many of their demo games are simply "reimagined" versions of ancient Intellivision and Atari games I played decades ago like "Combat," "Missile Command," "Moon Patrol," "Astrosmash," etc. (A lot of intellivions games were variations on Atari games, anyway.)
When I was really young I worked at Nintendo--just customer service and gameplay counseling--when Beth and Perrin were in Marketing and, IIRC, legal. They're very smart. capable people but their involvement doesn't really have much to do with the software library, which looks pretty uninspiring. Without great games the console isn't going anywhere.
I have a feeling that this will end up in the same dustbin as the Atari VCS.
Edit: Wow, $250? The Switch or an Xbox Series S — vastly more capable systems — are only $50 more. Yikes.
tbh, they should just let it die already.
its not something thats going to succeed and its still disappointing that they made the mistake of putting earthworm jim 4 on it as an exclusive.
hell, the fact that all of the games on it are an exclusive is another reason why its going to flop.
this looks like something you see in those "FUTURE CONSOLES XBOX 720 NINTENDO: REVOLUTION, PS5 😱😱😱" videos from like 2010 on youtube
Manufacturing sounds like an uphill battle that’s not changing anytime soon. And without substantial IP, you’re pretty much selling tech demos...which might focus test ok but will bury it in the market next to anything else..
@Shadowmoon522 I saw an old interview with the CEO of Intellivision and he said he wasn't going to force developers to keep their titles as exclusives for the console but rather he wanted an exclusive feature of the game to only be available on this console. So if developers wanted they can port their games to other systems they just have to have an extra mode or other content for the Amico version only.
This looks like it's going to be a big flop.
"we are focused and determined to deliver pre-ordered units by the end of the year."
Carefully doesn't say which year, only "the" year.
@JasmineDragon Yeap that's why it sounds scummy, could be the end of this year or the end of the fiscal year which is March 2022.
This will fail so hard.
I hope this does well because competition is good for the consumer but I have a hard time seeing this succeed.
@thiz Oh god, lol 🤣 Yeah, at this point it's clear that Switch's controllers are best suited for small hands or micro gaming sessions.
I actually want this to be good, I'm tired of 'me too' gaming systems that are basically PCs in disguise. Give me the weird controller, give me the small, fun form factor, give me all the quirky games.
It's like seeing a train wreck in slow motion. Like, you just know this thing is going to fail hard, and it's not even out yet.
@SpringDivorce It's just going to be a £100 brick at that point, because they won't keep the online store open, and it has no physical media.
Their photos can be of kids playing it but the only people who will own this will be collectors
@thiz I heard that the 'physical' releases are likely to be amiibo-style, probably nfc-based items (cards or collectibles, not clear), which means the physical games will actually still require you to download the data. I think the console itself doesn't have any card slot or anything like that.
@KeyBladeMaster-Dan Don't compare the Ouya to this disaster. It was delivered on time and kept what it promised. Also it didn't cost nearly as much.
Wait, this thing is real? I saw it before and thought it was a joke. Lol
I would be surprised if this abomination would even sell more than 10 pieces.
@KeyBladeMaster-Dan exactly what I was going to say :'D
@Heavyarms55 you missed the E3 presentation this year? Do yourself a favor and take 10 min of your time. It will be worth it
They pitch it as a "pure arcade-style 2D console like good old times", and it sounds good to me. But... Switch already has that and more if you browse indie titles. Seriously, name a popular video game from the 80s, and Switch library already has either a direct port of it or a modern clone by some indie dev.
This thing is DOA.
The SouljaBoy game consoles will find more success than this.
color me tickled
I thought this was much better received by the NL crowd at E3.
I find it hard to imagine it succeeding, though, as much as I'd like it to.
@Balta666 20% of that E3 video was about Tommy and his Guinness record while the rest are just recap stuffs we already seen from last year.
As a kid I always watched Electric Playground so I was interested in this because Tommy was involved. Vic has even interviewed him a few times about it. He always has a lot of excuses and what he has shown isn't all that interesting.
This guy is a crook and I respect you, but you let yourselves down when you did a puff piece for him. He got you to act as PR for him whilst he was threatening legal action against Ars Technica to try and silence journalists pointing out the many issues that plague the system. He tried to bully and intimidate journalists into silence, he is an objectively bad person and you really shouldn’t cover it.
Don't support Tommy Douche-arico. Ever.
If the Switch 2 doesn't have 2 screens, I'm getting one of these
I kind of wanted this just to play earthworm Jim 4
@Specter_of-the_OLED it is still funny as heck
I'd like to see sega have another crack at making a console
Nobody should spend Money on that Crapware.
At least the insane unprofessionel Stories behind it are entertaining.
Tommy Tallarico is a hack, have you seen the garbage he spews online? Go look him up on AtariAge
So much hate. I can wait, and look forward to this coming out.
“This could be a neat $100ish item?”
“The actual price is a little high, but maybe?”
“This thing is another Coleco Chameleon.”
@Heavyarms55 It is a joke, that's why we're laughing.
Go figure right......
@thiz Yeah, if they haven't changed the idea, the idea is that you're supposed to buy an external disc drive and connect it to your console, and then you can buy physical games for it.
The console might sell 20k units at the most, but the disc drive probably isn't going to sell more than 50 units, if it even gets released.
Getting casual gamers who normally don't play video games to buy this? Never happening. The motion control fade is over and all the casuals play on their phones/iPads.
Well, on how the CEO is acting and how bad the Hardware is, it is deserved.
I want one. But I don't have 100% faith in it. Once I'm sure it's legit, I'll snap one up for sure. This embraces my philosophy of gaming and I'll be disappointed if it doesn't materialise. Will it take over the world? Of course not. But can it be a success? Sure. Some folk really are just about being number one, aren't they.
I didn't know this even existed, or rather was about to exist. Strange console considering the motion gesture control novelty has long gone.
@Specter_of-the_OLED this already looks dead in the water. Those game look dated, and not in the Nintendo-doesn't-do-graphics. way. THESE LOOK BAD
this feels more and more a cheap knockoff that will rot in clearance bins and be dead within a year
Looks awful. I can play moon patrol right now on my switch. The delay on farkle is worse than the Wii in the systems own promo video at e3. Half the time people are using phones in the videos instead of the controller.
You don't delay a system to improve your os. The thing doesn't work. The games don't work with the controller. They've ran out of investment. And they're trying to throw whatever they can put of the door to satisfy pre orders.
Also controllers look awful and why would anyone want a system to create a light show while you're trying to play a game. Maybe it's cool for some but seems a pain to me.
A better bet would have been an Earthworm Jim Collection (1, 2, 3 and the new game 4) on Switch, PS4 and Xbox.
I'm bullish on Amico. You have to admit it's unique (which doesn't seem to have as much value as it should.) The other big feature for me is Tommy. What other console has a PERSON attached to it? Sure Mark Cerny designed the PS5 but Tommy is making this console happen and he's willing to get in front of it and own it. I am working on Dolphin Quest for Amico so I'm I admit I'm biased... Lastly, please check out Space War Arena on Switch, thanks, Nintendo kids!!
Not surprised. This console is a joke at this point.
@Severian No because those came out.
@InkIdols There are five games that kinda looks good on the Amico but those five aren't the games that will come bundle with the system. Those games are Breakout, Flying Tiger, Cloudy Mountain, Dolphin Quest, and Rigid Force Redux Enhance. I'm sure no one is gonna buy the Amico just for Cloudy Mountain. I'm not even sure if Earthworm Jim 4 would be any good, the way Tommy described it, it sounds like it would just be a collection of mini-games similar to Wario Ware or those Raving Rabbids games but with Jim and fiends instead.
@edannunziata You work on Dolphin Quest also means that you use to work on Ecco the Dolphin and Kolibri as well. Any plan to remastered Kolibri or make a new entry of that game for Switch or modern consoles? I am a fan of that game and the Sega 32X.
Not a surprise. This was obvious after Tommy showed that Cornhole footage recently. It looks barely finished, and it’s supposed to be a pack in game!
I look at a lot of local small business and restaurants that open in my home town(st. Louis, missouri) and think "wtf were they thinking? What bank or person thought tjis was a good way to invest 500k, or 2 million, or whatever. Then I look at this ***** show, the millions wasted. Wow. The people who took public positions in the company knowing they could never scrub that off their resume. What the hell are people thinking? Being involved in this shows such a poor lack of judgment and feeling for the market. What a pile of crap. 60 employees.... I doubt Tommy even invested in any real overhead or manufacturing capability. There isn't even anything of value to liquidate when this farce collapses.
Seeing Intellivision back in the news made me dig out my old Intellivision Lives DS cartridge...and I think that will suit me as far as the console goes.
the horrible controls, the mediocre games, the ridiculous price.... these are the things that killed the Amico for me a long, long time ago
At $250 you get 2 controllers and 6 free games. The consoles you mentioned just give you the console and one controller (and no… a single joy con should not be considered a single standard controller) for the price of entry w/no games. And after you pay the price of entry for the Amico, the games are $9.99 (digital) and $19.99 (physical). For a parent like myself, that sounds like pretty affordable, interactive entertainment for the family.
My god, that Propaganda Video......
Ah, Dolphin Quest looks pretty intriguing. Admittedly, I’m not biased. I actually played 10+ Amico games and loved what I played. There are a lot of naysayers in this comment section who’d change their opinions if they actually got the chance to play the Amico. It’s especially gonna be a hit with parents who don’t want to burdened with forking over $60 a pop for a single game and don’t want to spend ours searching for games that are suitable for their kids. I predict success for the Amico and I’ll be picking up a Red one.
@Turbo857 As with the hybrid feature of the Switch you could say it comes with a whole controller that could become 2 separate controllers and yes it counts as 2 as you could use it for playing multiplayer out of the box. It becomes one controller if both joycons are sync together as one signal or attach to the grip. Nintendo also sells 2 NES controllers in joycon forms.
Um no. You’re missing my point. 2 single joy cons cannot accommodate multiplayer gameplay for all multiplayer games on the Switch console. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and Children of Morta are among the best multiplayer games available on the Switch that cannot be played with a single joy con. So a single joy con is not considered a “full” controller. The Amico comes with 2 “full” controllers out of the box to accommodate multiplayer gaming for all its games immediately upon purchase. Your NES controller examples would fall under “additional purchase” after a customer already pays “$300 for the price of admission. So those NES controllers aren’t “out of the box”.
Of all the old gaming hardware brands to revive, why Intellivision? I mean, a console that was past its prime even 40 years ago and wasn’t exactly a success outside of America…
@infernogott @KeyBladeMaster-Dan -
The Ouya was a beautiful console physically. I had the copper brown one. They put a lot of effort in and had a number of Android developers on board. The games were generally much better quality than what I'm seeing with this Amico.
But I could see the Ouya floundering and sold mine before it took a total dive. One of my biggest annoyances was audio delay, like a 300ms delay between hitting an attack button and hearing the attack sound. Audio latency was apparently inherent in the Android OS (at least back then), so it was not a fixable problem. I'm sure having wireless controllers made the latency worse too. Then the games seemed to grind to a halt.
Even the big console companies are scrambling to figure out how to compete with mobile gaming, so coming out with any new console is a huge risk these days.
Honestly, it’s kind of depressing how gleeful people seem about the console’s potential downfall. Honestly, I would like to see the future belong to more than just multi-billion dollar companies. Indie developers have proven that there is more to gaming than AAA experiences, so why can’t something like Amico succeed? Personally, as a multi-console owner, I think it looks really cool!
I'm not sure on the marketing for this. Its targeted toward a more casual/family audience, but it seems like only more hardcore gamers and collectors even know it exists. I dont know how they reach their targeted demographic.
For me, the controller kills it. A touch-/ circlepad? Who in a sane mind would think that you can get accurate input from this? I cannot believe that after all this evolution of gaming this pops out. It is just doa. Sorry to say that.
There is already a “Wii-like” system currently on the market.
It’s called the Switch.
@Drumpler Actually, the M2 never came out. =D
"The console was cancelled in 1997, but the M2 technology was incorporated into other devices."
Looks like a late 90's cordless phone base station.
@orangeoctober They won't. Vaperware...
@Shadowmoon522 I hafta agree with you on being disappointed about the new EWJ game. :/
@Would_you_kindly Oh so would I
@edannunziata Wait,for real? Does that mean you worked on Ecco? I absolutely love the first game, and thought Jr. was charming. Much thanks from a Nintendo Kid.
I dunno about that controller. Side buttons were one of the worst things about older game controllers and this one is embracing them. I love the intellivision (which has some unique games and some nice AC ports), but the controller, while unique and influential, was one of the worst things about the system, especially the Intellivision II version. I'm not sure combining the WiiMote and the Intellivision controller is a good idea.
I'm still slightly intrigued, but I cancelled my pre-order about a day before getting this email, it just doesn't fit my taste as a gamer, it'd be a curio under my TV that I'd power up every once in a blue moon to show it off mayeb.
The last dozen Switch games I bought have all been under a fiver. To try and insist that this is somehow better value is pure fantasy.
Not sure why you keep posting articles about the Amico and the Poly Mega. What website is this?
And calling the Amico like a Wii or Wii-U is a stretch.
I'm pretty sure that turbo guy is in Tommy's circle of trust. I have seen a turbo name among his cadre of loyal YouTube followers. The controllers have to work to be worth anything. Nintendo switch has two controllers. If you have to explain the Amico , Amico marketing is failing. Amico controllers don't work. Cell phones can work but saying those are free is a false argument. Not everyone has a smart phone. This console is doomed. I want it to succeed but with no money coming in and no sales property forthcoming , it will fail. If the system had a cartridge slot, I would be more inclined to buy a console. to access the games you need the server, I don't feel the server will be up more than a year after the console crashs on the launch pad. Best of luck to the employees, they deserve our support, the CEO does not, he has ruined a brand I had nostalgia for and can go back to his Ferrari and mansion and sleep well at night
This just keeps getting worse, the only footsteps this thing will follow is that of the Gizmondo.
@orangeoctober This is a serious question that I think they need to address now. The Wii released before games like Minecraft, and before Roblox became so huge. Roblox is absolutely HUGE now with the younger audience, the audience this one seems to maybe be trying for?
If anything, I think they should try and get Roblox running on this in some fashion, and make some Roblox exclusive games on it. THEN, they have a pitch and the ears of kids and their families I think.
But, when NintendoLife did the interview last month about this one with Tommy, I asked in the comments if it was still releasing in October, because from that interview it didn't read to me that it would.
I said in the comments on that article, "Haha, not sure about that, but are we 100% sure it's still releasing this year?
I found this to be a curious line, "So we figured if everything went okay that October 2021 we would be able to hit the market… and then the major component crisis started getting worse."
So, is the Amico still releasing in October, or is the "major component crisis" going to cause a delay?"
If they were/are only buying a few parts a day (50-100, as stated in the article) that they need, it's going to take several hundred days just for them to get the parts they need to fully manufacture the systems pre-ordered.
Also, if they're going for the kid market, they might have issues with the cheap Fire type tablets that are under $100 already, and things like the LeapFrog and LeapPad side that are also competing, but maybe more from an "educational" gaming side.
I feel like maybe having the initial pre-orders was fine, that way they knew interest in the system and what they needed to order for parts/manufacturing. But, then instead of releasing more updates and more updates on the system, I think them either going quiet (hard when you have other people's money), or just saying, "We are working on this, and will provide and update when we have a 100% solid release date." would be a better way to do things moving forward. As of now, people are expecting this at the end of this year, but will it happen? That's only 2 months after the October 10th release date that has been pushed back.
If they can get it out by Christmas, maybe the Christmas morning surprise for some kids and families would go over really well, and help it with more word-of-mouth after that happens? I have no clue though at this point.
They've stated 'no 3D games', so they've entirely cut themselves off from the Minecraft/Roblox market.
Their entire pitch seems to assume that kids are dumb and existing video games are too complex for them. I must have imagined playing Mario Party with my three this weekend....
Don't remember a disc drive ever being mentioned? The whole project is a joke, but that would be absolute madness.
@SpringDivorce I saw the trailer they released last year, and the majority were definitely in the 2D realm, but they do have this on their site:
"Will you have 3D games on Amico?
We will have 3D games on Amico if they fit into our “easy-to-play, easy-to-learn” mantra of game design. The majority of our games will be 2D or 2D using 3D modeling (sometimes called 2.5D)."
Roblox is exactly that, and it's played by all of our kids. Daily. For hours. And, hours. One issue, is that the Amico doesn't support online multiplayer from day one....
Now, I think there are some single-player focused Roblox games (I think, right?), but not entirely sure this thing would run the Roblox engine. If it does, that's a route I would probably go for immediately, because if they get Roblox working on the system, even for single-player type games, the possibilities become almost limitless because of how Roblox has their "system" designed.
@edannunziata Given that some critics of the Amico and Tommy have suggested that several games - Dolphin Quest included - aren't even close to being finished yet, could you tell us how it's shaping up at the moment? And how freely can you discuss the comms between your studio and Intellivision? Were you in any way warned of a delay? Finally, what's your opinion of the hardware itself, from a developer's perspective?
I've tried to explain this to some of their fans, but they don't take kindly to it.
I have nostalgia for the original Intellivision. I had a founders edition preordered. I have since cancelled it and would advise others to do so. I don't know when this company will start making money but if they declare bankruptcy, I don't know how easy it will be to get your money back. Until they start to sell consoles and games, they won't be brining in enough money to pay their developers. I hope this succeeds but they won't be getting my money until they show me a console that works with the controllers, the UI, multiple games, and a guarantee that I can still access my digital games if the server goes down in the next three years because intv went out of business. This thing needs a cartridge slot
Well I dont know about the Amiico , it looked interesting when originally unveiled , in the end Games will make or break it . If it does release with some decent software at the speculated prices of £9.99 digital and £20 Physical then it may do OK , yes it's not cheap , but then you get two controllers , all other systems you have to buy another controller for £60 -£100.
And the controller is a nifty piece of kit with the Amiico .
Plus you get 6 games with it , which even if there all at the bottom of the spectrum of £6.99 each that's still £42.00 worth of games and two controllers .
Plus you can download a app to use your mobile phone as extra controllers for more players as this is a couch co-op machine.
So for your £250.00 on day one your good to go.
For any other system your looking at another outlay of of at least £100 on the price of the system to get what you get with Amiico.
But there's also a downside , the delay means there going up against the consumer base the big three target at Christmas .
that's number 1.
Number 2 - This console is targeting a retro style of gameplay in abid to appeal to the gamers of the early 80's and 90's .
Younger gamers brought up on Playstation won't look at this at the price point.
Number 3 - The Evercade - with Evercade releasing their VS console this fall at less then £100 with a arcade game collection or £110.00 with two arcade game collections is a steal compared to Amiico , plus for another £60- 70 you can add the Evercade handheld and play all your games at home or on the move . The Evercade is really like the Retro Switch .
It's also the route I wish Nintendo would have taken , they should have released a proper home console and the portable which played the same games , then they could have released the home unit at £189 and the Switch lite at it's current offering.
For me the Evercade is looking very tempting by the minute. Especially with those arcade collections incoming. .
@Turbo857 Ha you say it can't when it clearly could. I know it's two years ago but what you just mention is laughable. You could buy a Switch and a copy of either of those game and start on playing multiplayer out of the box as the joycons it came with will both works as different controller.
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