The Southern Californian offices of Intellivision, the company behind the beleaguered Wii-style family-friendly Amiico console, are now standing empty and available to lease.
As highlighted by Ian and Pat on the latest Completely Unnecessary Podcast, the premises where former CEO Tommy Tallarico and his team planned out the design and launch of the troubled still-to-be-released console — as seen in this archived stream — are now available to rent. You can check out the listing yourself if you're looking for office space in the SoCal area.
Tallarico stepped down as CEO of the company back in February. This followed several years of difficulties following the revival of Intellivision as a company back in 2018. Since then, Intellivision closed down a round of investor fundraising when it became clear it had no hope of reaching the proposed 'maximum offering' of $5 million. The company posted an unboxing video in March, but the likelihood of the system ever being released seems remote given the struggles it faces, even after the firm made significant staff cuts.
You can check out a YouTube clip from the CUPodcast for an in-depth discussion of the vacant offices and other unfortunate aspects of the Intellivision Amico story and Ian and Pat's experiences, including an Amico developer demonstrating lag on the system. Be warned, it features strong language and not a small amount of dismay and anger.

The original vision of Amico was apparently to offer parents and families a Nintendo Wii-style alternative to violent, family-unfriendly games, but the COVID-19 pandemic struck a blow to the already struggling project. Its empty former offices serve as a stark reminder of how perilous and unforgiving the video game hardware industry can be.
Reckon we'll ever see the Amico launch in a recognisable form? Looking for some office space? Let us know below.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Fri 15th July, 2022.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 74
Oh dear... Ouch... Maybe next time...
Well this has been one hell of a saga, hasn't it?
And not the good kind of SaGa either.

(EDIT: As @BloodNinja has rightly pointed out, I should probably clarify that this is moreso in relation to the general state of the company rather than this specific story. I feel terrible for the innocent employees who had to deal with this disaster. Just making sure no-one gets the wrong idea! )
Get yo stuff, get yo stuff and GET OUT!
Wow, what a disaster this has been
The Amico coming out now after all of this would be one of the biggest underdog stories ever because the Amico is probably one of the most vaporware things in recent memory now
Not sure what this really means since the company made most of its staff redundant. Given that there are few people supposed to be working on this, it does not make sense to have a lot of space.
@Fizza What does that have to do with a bunch of people losing their jobs??
I was rooting for this. It was different. And my TV unit always has a place for something new. Such a shame.
@BloodNinja I'm moreso referencing the entire state of the company rather than this specific incident: this news is just piling onto it. I hope I don't come across as malicious!
Never happy when stuff like this happens. (Failed business ventures I mean.)
Maybe somehow, someday they can regroup. Good luck 🤙
@Fizza Certainly not malicious, but rather tone deaf. Yes, a company failed, and at the cost of a lot of people’s hard work. Probably not an excellent time for puns or witticisms
Shame for the employees, karma for Tallarico.
@BloodNinja Sorry, I'll know for next time!
@Fizza No harm done
@nessisonett what did Tallarico do?
Hopefully Tommy sticks with Video Games Live again. He's a fantastic hype man and showrunner but he definitely can't do business.
Fancy renting a slice of failure?
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Saw the writing on the wall with this one. Between all the delays and fund issues, I figured this one was DOA for a while. Sad a lot of people worked so long for nothing then got laid off, but this project seemed mismanaged from the start.
Removed - unconstructive
Removed - unconstructive
Intellivision was a niche video game brand that was around for only about 2 years. The people that remember it are likely in their early 50s-late 60s. Why they ever thought reviving it was a good idea is beyond me.
Tallarico needs to accept the fact the 90s are long gone and he'll never get the same fame he had in his heyday when he was on Saturday morning television.
No worry the Polium will probably take over the place.
Polymega next?
@pikmin_4 He’s an utter shyster and a bully. He created a cult of personality as evidenced by the AtariAge fiasco. I’d take bets on him becoming some sort of MyPillowGuy nutter since this failed, he’s already used the term ‘gaming communism’ to describe his critics.
This has scam written all over from the beginning it’s like the gizmondo saga some people will have become very rich from this
Can we get Earthworm Jim 4 on Switch now?
Guess I’m not surprised, but bummer! Kudos to the team for taking a risk, even if it didn’t pan out.
And yet they say the console is still being developed. Lol. How???
I hope this website has learned their lesson and won't support transparent vaporware ever again.
Every time I hear about someone who thought this thing was a good idea, or would be anything other than an unmitigated disaster, I'm reminded of the phenomenon of "harbinger customers": https://thehustle.co/the-customers-who-repeatedly-buy-doomed-products/
@PcTV Reporting on something isn't "supporting" it. That's like claiming that news outlets support murder because they report on it.
I enjoyed playing it at the event they had here last October. It was different - and I like different.
It wasn't amazing, but I was thinking about getting one anyway.
I miss the Wii days - I enjoy variety, what can I say.
It failed because the people in charge were scamming arseholes that gave not one *****.
@Damo And you'd call this "reporting"?
Pretends to be shocked
@PcTV What’s with the strange vendetta? Give it a bloody rest!
@SpringDivorce Indeed! I’m sure there were numerous factors to the company being unable to get the project off the ground.
@BloodNinja I'm sorry it bothers me this website supported a scam and proceeds to make excuses
@PcTV That's just one story we ran, here are some others:
What about their Salt Lake, Utah office? Is that one still up? Probably should have mentioned they have 2 offices in the article:
Salt Lake City, UT Office: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHunuRxoyYk
@Damo While the titles would seem neutral enough to sound like reporting, I'd point out that two of these heavily feature PR statements and one of them is really just that with a couple parapgraphs at the beginning and one at the end.
There's one from early this year that does seem much more neutral, but almost two years alter, after many points to the contrary, and essentially an ad piece, I'm sorry if it doesn't read the same.
Actually, diggin' a little more, this one reads like an ad too:
@kingbk More like 40s-50s. Was my first console & I'm in my early 40s.
But yeah, those days aren't coming back any time soon. I think they misread the retro-gaming fanbase as a lane to jump in or something. It would have been less damaging to have invested in enhanced ports of their older games for digital release than a whole new console.
I've said it before. I'd have bought an HD Atlantis from the eshop if it had an online leaderboard.
Honestly it isn’t surprising. They aren’t launching with something people would really want. You have to start by being different. You can’t just make a small gimmicky thing with gimmicky games. The only exception that worked was the oculus quest 2. But the difference is the quality of gimmick. This things gimmick was…. You can buy games and play them on a tv or phone? Or something? Idk what it was even its hard to tell at a glance what it’s about.
Certified bruh moment...
I don't know which ads you're reading, but none of these articles come off as ads to me. Nintendo Life certainly provided some positive publicity but no more than we see from the typical article on an upcoming game. This site reports on a number of consoles and devices which are tangentially-related to Nintendo, and sometimes the writers talk about their excitement for the product. I don't consider "excitement" to be on the same level as "support." As for the PR statements, given that they are official statements related to the subject matter, I would expect them to end up in an article.
@PcTV I'm sorry you're so vindictive and going out of your way to slander people. Who's forcing you to read this site if you don't like it?
If people haven't figure this out when it first came out saying they could make it should've high tailed it like Sonic out of the SCAM. They took time to clean house and clean out supporters. This is nothing new and NL should've stopped pompomming them as something different when in the end they CLEANED HOUSE.
@BloodNinja I'm not vindictive at all, nor am I slandering people. It's a fairly tame criticism given the situation.
@SuperToe Love how covid has been the excuse for, like, every failed business venture over the past 2 years.
It is slowly ending, was at least a entertaining show lol
@pikmin_4 Over-promised, under-delivered, while brutally attacking anyone who criticized him. Not to mention just being a giant, ultra-mega D-bag type of person in general who doesn't deserve 5 cents from anyone.
@PcTV Uh huh (◔_◔)
@PcTV Lots of news stories about things we haven't actually played yet (games, hardware) will be based on PR material, because that's all we'll have been given at that point. We report in the same way on many other things (Nintendo games included) based on PR, so why not say the same thing about that, too?
@Solomon_Rambling I just realised I didn't need to reply because you took the words right out of my mouth.
@SwitchForce Literally the second piece the site ran on the Amico said the games looked bad.
@Damo Two things there.
First of all, you don't cover Nintendo content the same way. Yes, you use PR statements here and there, but this site is usually very informative and fair, which is why I come here in the first place. But never have I read a fluff piece for an upcoming game (unless it was openly a sponsor, which is be fine) the way you did for the Amico.
And secondly, even it wouldn't be the same if you treated Nintendo that way.
Because at this point I'd imagine Nintendo gets at least the benefit of the doubt.
Sure, not all their games are 10/10s, or their hardware always flawless, but our trust in them is based on the fact that they are the most consistent company in gaming history.
They've never ran away with anyone's money, and it'd be beyond out of character for them to do so.
Not every failed project is a scam. Of course crowd funding adds an extra wrinkle, but people should realize when they are investing in a long shot. Anyone remember the NUON? It was a DVD/game system promising casual family friendly gaming back in 2001. I bought one, so it did at least come out but it didn't get much further than the Amiico. The NUON also launched in a recession and they only got about 7 games out before imploding (it was a really nice DVD player though). So yeah, sometimes things just fail. And for the people that threw their money into this somehow not knowing it was high risk and are walking away empty handed... Uh, I guess it's a life lesson so you'll be older and wiser when someone offers to let you into a property investment deal that sounds too good to be true.
@kingbk - Your spot on about Intellivsion. I am 52 and remember the system vividly. It was miles ahead of the Atari 2600 at the time. Some of us never stopped gaming. I have been there from the beginning.
Cool...do Polymega next
Feel a little bad for those who got duped but this had red flags right from the start.
@PcTV Reading your statements I think you are being a little harsh.
Honestly, I just want to know what's happening to the Earthworm Jim game that was going to be on the system. If we can still get that game in some way, I'll be happy.
Yeah there’s just simply no demand for a mid-tier gaming consoles. There’s all the indie support developers could ever get on mainstream consoles and for those that are more casual….they have smart phones.
@PcTV "Fluff piece"? The title of the interview in question literally casts doubt on the idea of the machine ever being released, and, as I said, we've ran other Amico stories which have been very skeptical (the second ever Amico story, for example).
Giving Tommy the chance to answer questions is not positive PR. We didn't say those words, he did.
@djsev2000 Polymega units are shipping, though?
@Damo they’ve gone dark since May. No replies from customer service. I’ve been asking for updates through multiple channels and have gotten nothing. Searching on social media you see a bunch of people saying the same thing. Especially people looking to cancel orders and looking for refunds. I put in a dispute with my credit card company so it’s on them to respond now.
It never existed beyond a five second animation. Hell, some of the earlier titles - Cloudy Mountain and Night Stalker (both of ehich, as an owner of the original machine, I liked the look of) were still being teased with the same few minutes of gameplay three years after being announced.
@nessisonett Yeah, Tommy Tallarico has never been someone I respected. In addition to that, he was really petty about the Roblox oof sound apparently being stolen from him.
Maybe I can rent the space for the new Coleco vision I'm working on lol !!!
@Gs69 Oh man I just did a deep dive on the Gizmodo a few months ago just because I saw a this trailer for Milo and the Rainbow Nasties (see link below) and couldn't help but get hit by splatoon vibes due to the fact you are shooting paint and that Font is nigh identical.
@Zeropulse wow never seen or heard of that game but man the similarities to splatoon are unbelievable
@alexybubble There is no Earthworm Jim game. There was never going to be an Earthworm Jim game. You had a few seconds of animation and a ton of hot air from Tommy. But nobody ever even started work on it. People aren’t calling the Amico a scam because it failed. They are calling it a scam because it was a scam.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
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