Scrolling through social media, you never know what you're going to get. It could be news about the world's economy, the latest video game announcements, or in our case, a video of a group of people in Sonic suits dancing and twerking to a bunch of hip-hop tracks.
It's not how we expected to start our day, but thanks to the artist called OcaRockaRina who posted the strange video clip online, that's exactly what transpired when we were scrolling through our feed.
Rather than mutter "What the f*ck?" and move on, though, we couldn't just leave it there. There were too many unanswered questions that we knew we had to stop whatever it was that we were doing and go in search of the context behind the baffling clip. So we started sleuthing around for answers.
From what we could gather, the clip was taken from Entre Nosotras (Between Us), a Puerto Rican variety morning show, hosted primarily by women, which broadcasted between 2007-2016.
The show apparently featured a dancing competition where different groups were given a theme, which in this case was video games. The same show also apparently featured dances for Zelda and Mario, but these haven't been uploaded online for better or worse. The original video was posted on YouTube in 2011 but it seems to have been reuploaded elsewhere several times since.