You might look at your video game shelf and think that you've got a pretty sweet collection going on, but we can tell you now that it's nothing compared to the haul Antonio Romero Monteiro has amassed over the years.
The 45-year-old Texan has such an enormous collection it has been officially recognised by Guinness World Records. Monteiro holds five world records relating to his collection, including records for the largest collections of Nintendo, Xbox, Sega and PlayStation items, and another for the most extensive collection of video games overall.
Monteiro started playing video games in 1987 at the age of 10 and now has an entire room dedicated to his games collection – which also includes a selection of accessories and consoles.
He first achieved the World Record for his video game collection in 2019, with a staggering 20,193 games in his possession. Since then, he has added more than 4,000 games to that total.
You can see a video showing off his collection (circa 2019) below.
Speaking to Guinness World Records about his latest achievement, Monteiro said:
Originally my collection focused on purchasing and repurchasing some of the games I played in my youth.
I see video games as a form of art, where creativity and storytelling transcend to limitless possibilities. Each generation of video games systems gives further potential to realise creativity and share boundless stories, challenges and experiences.
Some of my most precious memories include video games and their experiences with family and friends.
He keeps track of his collection using a special app and is currently on a mission to collect every Nintendo DS game – he has 98 to go, out of more than 1,500.
He admits he hasn't had time to play every single game he owns, but he does reveal his favourite game – and it's one we can't really argue with: Super Castlevania IV.