When Breath of Fire IV launched in the US in 2000, there were a number of changes from its Japanese counterpart, but one alteration that went pretty much unnoticed by many — including us — was the absence of a mysterious hidden area called the 'Dengeki Store' south of Mt. Glom.
This, in case you've never heard of it, was a secret location in the Capcom RPG, that featured two Manillo merchants who sold lottery tickets and other weapons/items. You could only access this when playing a pre-patched save file of the game that came on a CD distributed through Volume 147 of the Dengeki PlayStation magazine, with no US equivalent of the promotion ever existing. As a result, many western players haven't heard of it, let alone visited it in game.
Now, though, thanks to the efforts of the hacker navarchos (along with Ratty and FlamePurge) it's not only possible to restore this missing piece of content to the US version but for it to also be translated into English with an exciting new patch called the Breath of Fire IV Dengeki Store Restoration (thanks CDRomance_Spike!).
This lets you enter the store, purchase items, and play the lottery minigame for prizes such as additional Zenny (the main currency in the game). If you fancy giving it a go yourself, you'll need a US copy of Breath of Fire IV for PlayStation and the necessary files for patching. You'll find more instructions on how to install these patches on the readme.txt file included on the RDHN page.