Metroid Prime Remastered recently hit the Nintendo Switch, giving players another chance to step back into one of Samus Aran's most celebrated adventures.
Retro Studios has done an utterly wonderful job of tidying up its magnum opus, giving the groundbreaking FPS a new lick of paint for its Switch outing. It's so good, in fact, that our pals over at Nintendo Life awarded it a 10/10 score, and playing it over the weekend got us thinking about Metroid Prime's ultimate impact on gaming – and if it is indeed the greatest transition from 2D to 3D for any gaming franchise.
You might argue that Super Mario 64 has a stronger claim to that crown; the N64 3D platformer laid down the foundations convincingly, triggering a wave of copycat titles (just as Mario's 2D adventures had done, in fact). However, there are elements of Mario 64 which feel a little rough when played today, while Metroid Prime, you could argue, still feels refined and polished in (almost) every respect.
Series like Sonic the Hedgehog have arguably struggled to find their groove in the realm of 3D (although it should be noted that the character's 3D adventures do have plenty of fans), and we'd stop short of including the likes of Zelda and Metal Gear in this conversation, as those titles took place in a top-down environment even in their 2D days, often giving the player the chance to move along the X, Y and Z axis lines. Perhaps you disagree and feel that these titles should be considered 2D in nature.
So, is Metroid Prime the most assured shift from 2D to 3D in gaming history? Let us know by voting in the poll below.
Is Metroid Prime the greatest transition from 2D to 3D any gaming series has seen? (1,004 votes)
- Yes
- No, it's... (tell us your answer in a comment below)