ScummVM has released its first update of the year, 2.7.0, and it's packed full of new additions that are worth shouting about.
Not only does the update add support for more old games, but it also introduces a more comprehensive list of shader-based scalers (to tailor the visuals of whatever you're playing) as well as new Chinese, Japanese, and Korean-compatible versions of its existing titles (Beneath a Steel Sky, Inherit the Earth, and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream). This is in addition to increasing ScummVM's compatibility with various handhelds and introducing improvements to how it detects and runs different copies of the Broken Sword games for PC.
The games added in this new update include:
- Soldier Boyz
- Obsidian
- Pink Panther: The Passport to Peril
- Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink
- Adibou 2 - "Environment", "Read/Count 4 & 5" and "Read/Count 6 & 7"
- Driller/Space Station Oblivion
- Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II
- Chop Suey, Eastern Mind, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles
ScummVM has also been newly ported (and reintroduced) to the following platforms:
- RetroMini RS90 (using OpenDingux)
- 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW
- Miyoo Mini
- KolibriOS
- 26-bit versions of RISC OS
- Nintendo 3DS
You can check out the full release notes here or download the latest version of ScummVM from the official website to try these changes yourself.