Nintendo's classic NES adventure The Legend of Zelda was recently been ported to the SNES, thanks to the fan developer Infidelity (as recently spotted by RetroRGB).
Infidelity released the first version of his Zelda port on June 13th, which was manually ported using hex (as opposed to using an emulator like Project NESted). It uses the original graphics but features a bunch of additional improvements over the original, which take advantage of the Super Nintendo's increased power. This includes incorporating faster scrolling between the different screens in both the horizontal and vertical directions, as well as reducing flickering and the amount of slowdown when there are several enemy sprites displayed on the screen at the same time.
Infidelity also launched an MSU-1 version (featuring updated music) a week after this original release on June 20th and has just published a new REV-A version of the port too.
This latest version has been tested to work on MiSTer, SD2SNES & FXPAK PRO, as well as various PC emulators, and includes some additional quality-of-life changes to the game (like the ability to swap items with L/R during gameplay and reduce the frequency of the low health sound effect).
Of course, if you know your Zelda history, you will already be aware that Zelda NES did receive a remake of sorts for the Super Nintendo via its Satellaview add-on, called BS Zelda no Densetsu in the '90s. This didn't feature Link, but the child protagonist of BS-X.
Infidelity has gone on record as saying that this had no bearing on his modern port as he hasn't played this particular version of the game, but he believes it is possible that someone else may be able to take his work and give it the "BS treatment" in the future.
If you want to keep up to date with Infidelity's projects, we recommend following them on Twitter or joining their Discord.