After 21 years, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project has just got an amazing new update, thanks to members of the game's community (Green and Zombie) and the digital storefront Zoom.
The update adds new languages, an improved launcher, better support for modding, and a brand new weapon, among other incredible changes. So, if you've ever wanted to jump back into the game to chew bubblegum and kick some ass, now's probably the time to do it!
First released back in 2002 for Windows PCs, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project was developed by Sunstorm Entertainment and published by Arush Entertainment in North America, with Duke's original creators Apogee (under its 3D Realms label) overseeing its production. The title features a 2.5D perspective and sees Duke fighting across skyscrapers and subway stations to defeat an evil scientist named Mad Morphix who has been transforming the local wildlife into hostile mutants.
Here's the full list of brand, new features:
- Updated to ZOOM Version 1.3.
- Added French, German, Italian and Spanish support.
- Renamed Install Directory to Gearbox Publishing.
- Added "Classic" and "Enhanced" Modes.
- Improved Launcher with New Features.
- All supported resolutions now listed and selectable.
- All supported languages now listed and selectable.
- Level Editor now included as a Game Launcher selection.
- Uzi machine gun now included.
- Support for loading mods from the launcher ("Custom Content Directory").
- Launcher provides extra functionality to make modding easier ($USER and $LANG values accessible from .cfg files).
- Prism3D and Shader Lab have been patched to use modern Windows UI.
- A minor typo, dating back to the original release, has been fixed in PrismED's "About" window.
- Several sample maps, originally included with the Level Editor, have been added.
- The aforementioned sample maps, have also been compiled into a db_demo_maps package, so they can be loaded in-game.
- The map sources for some of the campaign levels that were publicly released by the original developers are now included.
- UI and FOV support for 16:9 Widescreen Resolutions and 21:9 Ultra Widescreen Resolutions are now included.
- New boot sequence launch logos.
If you want to check out some of these changes, you can buy the game exclusively on Zoom for $5.99.