Publisher Thalamus Digital has just announced the release of a newly revamped version of Space Invasion — a Space Invaders clone that it developed over 20 years ago for the Game Boy Color.
Space Invasion is the work of the designer and programmer Jon Wells, as well as the artists Paul Docherty and Michael Smith. It also features a Game Boy-style rendition of the C64 soundtrack to the space shooter Delta, which was originally by the musician Rob Hubbard.
An early version of the game was released back in the early 2000s as freeware, before being sold online as a cartridge or in a double-pack. Now players are able to purchase it again, this time from the digital storefront itch.io, with some additional tweaks.
Here's a short rundown of the game taken from the store description:
Space Invasion follows a simple yet classic formula: destroy the waves of aliens before they descend to the surface and wipe out your ship. You are armed with a limitless supply of bullets, and have three ‘shields’ which you can use as protection from the enemy onslaught.
The game is divided into five stages, each comprising ten waves. Each stage is set against a different backdrop (representing different areas of the solar system), and features a wide array of enemy types.
The new version of the game will cost $1.99 and is a Game Boy Color ROM designed to be used with Game Boy emulators such as mGBA or flash cartridges like Everdrive. Will you be checking it out? Let us know in the comments!