Konami's Ganbare Goemon series has effectively been on hold since its final release on the Nintendo DS in 2005 (the less said about the Pachislot games the better), so we're always on the lookout for new and original news about the series to keep us entertained in the meantime. That could be anything from an announcement of a new spiritual successor to a fanmade mod that introduces the blue-haired thief into a pre-existing game.
That explains how we were recently able to come across these incredible Goemon figures from the Japanese toymaker Manezal on Twitter, which faithfully transform the pipe-wielding protagonist, his portly sidekick Ebisumaru, and the clockwork ninja Sasuke into a series of toys that would look good in just about anyone's collection.
From what we've been able to find out, the figures cost 15,000 yen each, which is roughly £83 or $107, though sadly they aren't available to purchase online for the time being.
That unfortunately means the only way to get them at the moment is to purchase them in person from one of the trade shows that Manezal is exhibiting at, with the next show they are appearing at being the Wonder Festival 2023 taking place in Tokyo on July 30th. So, if you have a trip to Japan booked for later this month or know anyone who will be in the country, it may be worth making some arrangements now.