During Hamster's weekly livestream earlier today, the publisher announced that it will be bringing Namco's side-scrolling action game Finest Hour to both the Nintendo Switch and PS4 as part of its ongoing Arcade Archives series (thanks Famitsu!).
The arcade title will be released digitally on September 28th and will (as far as we're aware) mark the first time it has officially been made available in the West.
The game was originally released back in 1989 for Namco's System 2 arcade board and was later reissued on the Wii Virtual Console in Japan in 2009.
It sees players piloting a laser-equipped battle mech named Sygnus through four stages (which must be completed twice) running and gunning their way past hordes of enemy robots. There's no health bar included, with the challenge instead being to manage the suit's temperature and prevent it from being destroyed.
You can watch a playthrough of the game below: