The unreleased Atari 8-bit game Psyclotron has been made available for download almost 40 years after it was abandoned.
Developed by Jeff Milhorn, Psyclotron is heavily inspired by Robotron: 2084 and is unique in that it offers a simultaneous two-player mode – something that wasn't all that common on Atari's 8-bit computers.
Milhorn left Atari to found his own company, Eclectek, and planned to release Psyclotron as the firm's first title in 1985. However, it never happened, and the game lay undiscovered until 2005.
"One does have to wonder if Eclectek would have run into some serious legal issues from Williams (or Atari) if they had actually sold the game," says the description on AtariProtos.com. "There's no denying that it 'lovingly borrows' ideas from Robotron. As it stands, Psyclotron is an extremely fun take on Robotron and should be on every gamer's radar."