Retro Game Console, Plug and Play
Image: Amazon US

We've encountered a lot of Famicom clone consoles in the past, and for the most part, they are pretty unremarkable things that don't really warrant another look.

However, that's arguably not the case for this rather colourful and fantastically bizarre boombox-shaped Famiclone that was recently unearthed within the depths of the Amazon US store by the bootleg games specialist taizou.

The Haopapa Video Game System QS7 (or Retro Game Console, Plug and Play to give it its rather bland SEO-centric name) is one of the more ridiculous Famiclones we've ever seen, thanks to the gloriously garish retro design which attempts to emulate the look of a classic boombox player (knobs and switches 'n all).

It is being sold on the online retailer for $59.99 and is marketed as including 365 games-in-one and coming in three different designs (black, white, and green).

Since spotting the device, taizou has managed to get his hands on one himself and has been posting his initial findings about it on Twitter. This includes sharing images of its incredibly stretched and filtered video output and revealing its hidden ability to be able to load custom ROMs from another SD card.

He suspects it to be a VT369 under the hood, which is a type of "NES-on-a-chip" Famiclone developed by V.R. Technologies but has not yet got any VT369 games to run properly on the device without issues.

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