Nintendo has just filed three trademarks relating to its GameCube controller in the United Kingdom, sparking (admittedly optimistic) speculation that it might be bringing the console's games to Nintendo Switch Online.
The three trademarks were filed on the 23rd and 25th of this month and were spotted by @Jo_Reggelt on Twitter (we still refuse to call it X – sorry, Elon).
Each trademark is concerned with a different design element of the iconic pad, which remains the weapon of choice for many Super Smash Bros. players, even today.
This doesn't instantly mean that we're about to get a revival of the boxy beauty – companies renew trademarks all of the time, mainly to protect their IP and prevent other firms from creating imitation products.
That could well be what has happened here – but there will be many Nintendo fans out there who will have their fingers firmly crossed that titles like F-Zero GX, Viewtiful Joe and Star Wars: Rogue Leader are all headed to NSO in the not-too-distant future.