Saturn softmod Pseudo Saturn Kai got a massive update at the end of 2023 which brings support for ODEs like the Satiator as well as fixes and other upgrades (thanks, Sega Saturn Shiro).
A fork of the open-source 'Pseudo Saturn' project by CyberWarriorX, Pseudo Saturn Kai V6.541 has taken two years of development and testing, and, as before, can be flashed to a compatible cartridge (the version we have in the office resides on an Action Replay cart, for example).
The mod was primarily created to allow the booting of CDRs, and it continues to provide that service perfectly – but this latest update comes with some welcome additional benefits.
If you own a Satiator, then you'll be pleased to learn that this ODE has gotten some special attention in the new update. For example, you can now automatically import save data from the Satiator's SD card into the internal memory when loading up a game, and then export it back when returning to the menu. This gets around the limitations of the Saturn's tiny battery-backed save storage. You also get access to additional cheat codes, such as widescreen support in Panzer Dragoon.
There's also improved support for certain games. If you like what you see, you can help fund the continued development of Pseudo Saturn Kai here. The new version can be downloaded from here.