The PC-8801 version of Nihon Falcom's influential action RPG Ys is heading to Nintendo Switch on February 15th in Japan, as part of D4 Enterprises's EGGCONSOLE label of classic reissues, with the rerelease also expected to hit Western storefronts shortly after (thanks @gosokkyu for the spot!).
Ys will likely be most familiar to Western players for its Sega Master System port or any one of its many sequels and remakes that were made more widely available internationally. However, the PC-8801 version of the game is where the series got its start. It sees players take control of a young adventurer named Adol Christin as they set out to locate the six books of Ys, embarking on a trip across a treacherous land to defeat an evil wizard named Dark Fact.
Unlike other RPGs of the time, Ys notably distinguished itself from those games thanks to its unusual bump-action gameplay. This saw players battle enemies on the world map not by pressing an attack button or entering into turn-based battles, but by repeatedly bumping into them instead.
The US store page for the EGGCONSOLE reissue is not yet up as of the time of writing, but you can view the Japanese store page here. Sadly, it appears the game will be untranslated, with only the main menu screen and "How to play" sections being in English.