During EVO Japan it was announced that new Rage Of The Dragons, Breakers and Asuka 120% titles are coming to the exA-Arcadia arcade system.
Rage of the Dragons W will be an update of the original game, which was released on the Neo Geo MVS system.
It will showcase balance adjustments, super-low input processing and "3x faster response than the MVS version." Bunshichiro Ohma is in charge of the art, and the original composer, Tanaka Keiichi, is returning.
Asuka 120% Excellent will mark the franchise's debut in arcades and will see Honda Asuka and Toyota Karina take centre stage.
We also have Breakers Revenge Shika Mamoru to look forward to. As is the case with Rage of the Dragons W, exA-Arcadia is promising faster responsiveness when compared to the MVS original.
Mototaka Yoshihara is in charge of the art, and composer Kenichi Kamio also returns.
exA-Arcadia also announced Dojo Masters EX, Vanguard Princess R, Axel City 2: The Final Storm, Daybreak Slam and Chaos Code -Nemesis Experiment- during the event. Check out the company's YouTube channel for more trailers related to those games.