MMO Habbo – also known as Habbo Hotel – is a game which many 20-something players will remember from their youth. It launched in 2000, and in 2020, it was revealed that a whopping 316 million players had been registered in the game – a figure that was boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Developer Sulake has now announced that the online game is getting a revival of sorts via Habbo Hotel Origins, which aims to replicate the way the MMO looked back in 2005 – arguably its glory days.
“The simplicity, charm and magic of that early version of Habbo are things we want to retain and protect, so we intend to be careful about what we add, and when,” says the developer.
"If you played in 2005, the hotel should feel exactly as you remember it," says Sulake. "We’ve been meticulous about ensuring the “feel” of the hotel mimics how things were over 18 years ago. That means roller stacking, the hand, and sparkly HC badges. There are no sellable clothing items, no LTDs, no Collectibles and no pet dragons. There’s less than 10 badges in the whole game!"
Sulake also states that this version of Habbo will be more democratic; it will also remove some of the less welcome aspects of the MMO, such as gambling and NFTs.
In Habbo, players can create their own virtual avatar and interact with others, building their own rooms and taking part in special quests.
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