Considering it's a 'dead' console which originally released way back in 1989, the Nintendo Game Boy certainly gets a lot of attention in the modern era.
Not only do we have the excellent Analogue Pocket for all of our Game Boy needs, we've seen devices like the Anbernic RG35XX SP take inspiration from one of the handheld's offspring, the Game Boy Advance SP.
We've also recently had the news that Oculus founder Palmer Luckey has created a Game Boy clone with a metal body, super-tough screen and a display so accurate that it cost a ton of cash to develop. So, yeah, the world of Game Boy is pretty busy right now.
Amid all of this activity, you'd wonder why anyone would want to create their own Game Boy system, but there's a very passionate community surrounding Game Boy mods and upgrades – and modder Zac Builds has just taken it upon himself to craft what he's describing as the "ultimate" version of Nintendo's iconic portable.
Taking the GBA SP as his foundation, Zac Builds has created an all-new case and factored in a bunch of amazing upgrades to really bring the concept up to speed. These include a superior screen, upgraded rechargeable battery, replacement power switch, clicky L and R buttons, EZ Flash Omega flash cart with a 128GB MicroSD card, a new speaker, USB-C connectivity and internal LED lights, as well as other cool stuff (sadly, wireless charging wasn't possible).
You can check out the full build in the video below.
Comments 3
I absolutely love my Game Boy Colour, I've still got the one my parents bought me in 1999 so I could play Pokemon Red. It's insane just how durable they are, aside from having to replace the speaker that Game Boy still works perfectly to this day.
I also bought a second, ratty Game Boy Colour so I could mod it with an aftermarket case, buttons and an IPS backlit screen. It looks absolutely gorgeous but that screen chews through AAs horrendously quickly. Really need to add the LiPo battery mod to that Game Boy at some point.
Actually playing on the original hardware just isn't that great nowadays though, all the limitations with the hardware are extremely apparent and there are far nicer ways to play old GB games now. Steam Decks are pricey but they're incredible emulation machines.
I think I'd rather go with an original SP with an updated screen to be honest. I like that it can flip down to protect the screen and also ends up being a smaller form factor that's truly portable.
Oh hey, it's this guy, the one that thinks flipping the switch logo upside down makes it "parody" and the RF shield "is Nintendo trying to hide its secret chips." He's great at making consoles look like knockoff Intel NUCs.
Snarkiness aside, I don't hate this one, but there are two glaring issues with his approach: First, he's created an incidental hinge at the screen. Without a cart behind it, even the pressure in your pocket will bend and break the line between PCB and screen. Second, it's too darn thin. That thing looks painful to use for more than, well, a YouTube video's length.
Like most of his projects, it's a good showpiece, but it doesn't stand up to real world use. His fascination is in design, not use, of his mods.
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