An English fan translation has just been made available for Bomberman Jetters: Densetsu no Bomberman — a Japan-exclusive Bomberman game that was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002 (as spotted via Rifexd!).
Bomberman Jetters: Densetsu no Bomberman is an action-adventure game by AI and Hudson Soft that was based on the Japanese anime series Bomberman Jetters. It sees the player controlling Mighty, Bomberman's older brother from the series, as they try to put a stop to the Hige Hige Bandits' nefarious schemes.
The game launched in the same year as a 3D counterpart for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube, which is probably the version that is more familiar to Western players (as the GameCube game was eventually released in North America in 2004 under the publisher Majesco Sales).
For years, fans have been talking about translating the game into English, with a user named Normmatt posting on the GBATemp forums back in January 2011 that they were working on a patch. Since then, however, the project seems to have stalled on multiple occasions, with various people offering their support to help bring it to the finish line.
Six people, for instance, are credited with working on the English script (including Higsby, Rai, Lord Kuro, Key Mace, Pablitox, and DiscoGentleman), while a further three (Normmatt, Spikeman, and Teod) are listed as being responsible for the hacking.
You can download the patch from GitHub. The "jetters_eng.tbl" file in the "script" folder doesn't work, but Rifexd has provided an alternative link to one that does.