30 years ago today, Konami released Policenauts on the NEC PC-9821 – a game which, following the equally brilliant Snatcher, continued Hideo Kojima's obsession with fusing movies and video games.
A hard sci-fi story which places the player in the shoes of LA detective Jonathan Ingram – who was previously an astronaut who was found in cryosleep after 24 years – Policenauts hit Japanese store shelves on July 29th, 1994. It mixes visual novel elements with action-based scenes, creating one of Kojima's most memorable stories.
Amazingly, though, despite being released across multiple platforms – including the PS1, 3DO and Saturn – Policenauts has never been officially localised into English. Fan-translations exist, however.
Kojima would move on to Metal Gear Solid, arguably his most famous work, but he had plans for a second game, which sadly never got off the ground.