Eligos Games is bringing Traumatarium: Penitent to the ModRetro Chromatic (and Game Boy), it has been revealed.
If the name seems familiar, it's because this is the sequel to the original Traumatarium, which was successfully crowdfunded earlier this year.
Set after the events of the original, Traumatarium: Penitent takes place in a kingdom that has been torn in two, with Penitents knights "committed to redeeming their sins by defending the realm" facing off against the Ebon Legion, "a sinister group intent on resurrecting the dark spirits that once plagued the land."
Here's some of the game's selling points, direct from the publisher:
- Three dungeons each with their own thematic elements
- Survive while managing Vitality and Health as you progress
- Stunning graphics pushing the hardware limitations
- Great progression system for quick play sessions
- A password system harkening back to the classic days of portable gaming
Inspired by the Fighting Fantasy series of game books and the tabletop RPG Warhammer, this sequel will improve on its forerunner in many ways.
"Navigate your way through three unique dungeons, each presenting its own challenges and dangers," says ModRetro. "Resource management is crucial as you make tough decisions on whether to press forward into the unknown or retreat to the safety of a rare outpost."
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