Video Game Legend Jaz Rignall Has Written A Book About His Life In Gaming 1
Image: @bitmap_books

If you're of a certain age and are from the United Kingdom, then the name Jaz Rignall will ring a few bells.

With a career that has spanned almost the entire history of gaming, Rignall helped to establish some of the best-selling video game magazines in the UK, including Mean Machines and Nintendo Magazine System.

He's since worked for the likes of IGN, Virgin, GamePro and US Gamer, and currently helps ensure that the games we play today are as good as they possibly can be.

Fans of this industry legend will be pleased to learn that he's written a book about his life in the world of gaming entitled The Games of a Lifetime, and Bitmap Books will be launching it in 2025.

"We plan to start 2025 with a bang, releasing a new title penned by the famed, influential retro gaming icon that is Julian ‘Jaz’ Rignall," says the publisher.

"The Games of a Lifetime will explore some of the key games that came out through his lengthy, storied career as a game writer and journalist. With some 40 years in games and the games media, Jaz has been close to many of the medium’s most iconic moments and titles. As such, The Games of a Lifetime looks at games’ evolution through the lens of his life and career, and the influence they had on his work in the industry. We can’t wait to share more details."