Generations, a new premium magazine from some of the talent behind [lock-on] and Switch Player, hits Kickstarter today, with the goal of celebrating every gaming generation from 1972 to today.
The magazine is the work of GameBound, which is a new magazine and premium print publisher that includes the involvement of Paul Murphy (Gamebook Color, Switch Player Magazine) and Andrew J. Dickinson (the former Editor-in-Chief of [lock-on] and current Editor-In-Chief of Debug Magazine). It is being designed in collaboration with DayOne and will feature illustrations from Sean O'Brien.
The first issue, which is the Winter 2024 edition, will be 132 pages and will feature a cover story from Alicia Haddick regarding the history of Steel Batallion and its unusual controller. This will include an interview with the game's creator Hifumi Kouno, as well as a ton of original photos taken around Roppongi.
Some of the other contributors to the magazine, meanwhile, will also include Mike Diver (the author of From Coin-Ops to Table-Tops: The Essential Electronic Games Book and The Console: 50 Years of Home Video Gaming), the former Game Informer associate editor Wesley LeBlanc, Go8Bit's Steve McNeil, and Janet Garcia (known for her involvement with Kinda Funny and MinnMax).
Here's a description taken from the Kickstarter page:
"GENERATIONS is a premium video game magazine like no other. Every quarter you'll dive into 132-pages of exceptional writing, beautiful illustrations, fantastic photography, and bespoke artwork, covering video game topics generation to generation. From the dawn of video gaming right up until today, you'll read in-depth developer interviews, personal essays, long-form critical analysis, retrospectives, and more.
Split into nine generational sections (plus an 'intermission'), there will be pieces for gamers of any age — and each generation is accompanied by its own illustrated character, created by Sean O'Brien."
For £8, you'll be able to pick up a digital copy, while £15 will net you a physical softcover copy. There are also tiers for a hardcover version starting at £35, and various bonuses to look over. Physical rewards are expected to ship in November 2024.
You can visit the Kickstarter page here to pledge your support.