Modder James Channel is (in)famous for his hair-brained and slightly insane video game mods (he's the brains behind the unhinged Nintendo PlayStation), and his latest project to no exception – he has fitted a Game Boy with a portable CRT screen (thanks, John Szczepaniak).

Taking a brand-new CRT screen purchased from AliExpress (taken from a video intercom), James does his usual slapdash job of fusing these two things together (a process which is, of course, completely intentional and very amusing / scary to watch), cutting the case, repositioning circuit boards and generally covering the device in lots and lots of hot glue.

The amazing thing is that, at the end of the procedure, the thing actually works – but CRT displays are more power-hungry than LCD ones, and the total battery life is a rather unimpressive two minutes, five seconds.

Mind you, you'd struggle to fit this in your pocket anyway, so it's not like you'd want to leave the house with it.
