Here's some news no one particularly expected — FreakZone Games (the developers of Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe) and Metal X Entertainment (a subsidiary of BitBotMedia) are adapting the cult classic horror musical Rocky Horror Picture Show into a retro-style platformer that is coming to Steam, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation next month, just in time for Halloween (thanks TheWrap!).
The unexpected adaptation will see players "running, jumping, and dancing" through Doctor Frank-N-Furter's mansion as characters from the musical and 1975 film (including Brad, Janet, and Dr. Scott), with the gameplay described as a mixture of classic NES titles like DuckTales and Castlevania.
It will also incorporate various chiptune arrangements of songs from the musical, including a rendition "Time Warp" which is featured prominently in the game's trailer.
Speaking about why the decision was made to adapt the musical into a game, its producer Joshua Viola said in a statement (published by The Wrap):
"The Rocky Horror Show’ is a unique experience that transcends traditional entertainment, and we wanted to bring that magic to gamers — whether they’re already fans of the IP or discovering it for the first time. For those familiar with ‘Rocky Horror,’ they’ll get to relive it in a fresh, exciting way. For newcomers, it’s an unforgettable introduction to a cult classic, delivered with a twist only a video game can provide. But beyond all that, it’s simply a blast to play. At its core, it’s a true platformer and we’ve made sure the gameplay is every bit as engaging as the musical itself."
Looking at all the footage and promotional images that have been released so far, it looks to feature some pretty charming pixel art representations of the musical's characters, including a fabulous take on Tim Curry's portrayal of Frank-N-Furter, as well as some diverse areas to explore. So we're cautiously optimistic about this one, as things currently stand.
We'd love to hear your thoughts, though. Are you a fan of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? What do you make of the musical being translated into a game? Let us know below.