Update [Mon 30th Sep, 2024 16:30 BST]: WeskMods is very close to finalising his unofficial Sega Saturn Slim modification.
The mod is described as "all but complete" and will offer support for the Fenrir internal ODE. It will also support the Satiator and Saroo, although the latter will require the cartridge slot to be repositioned, but this is now optional.
"The provisions for relocation still exist if you're up for the challenge, but if not, the cart port cover really adds to the design overall," says WeskMods.
"The icing on the cake is ArielAces working on super detailed decals and stickers for the final unit," he adds. "I should have all the parts for the final assembly in the coming weeks."
Original Story [Mon 16th Sep, 2024 16:30 BST]: We've already reported on WeskMod's generous donation of a SNES PlayStation 3D model to the community today, but the modder is back with what now ranks as our most desired piece of retro gaming hardware – the Sega Saturn Slim.
"I've spent the last 4 days or so working on a Sega Saturn "Slim" concept," he says. "Requires a VA-SG board, support for Saroo or Fenrir and won't require any board trimming! (removing the cart port for relocation will be challenge, though)."
This proposed mod removes the console's CD-ROM drive, giving you the option of either using a Fenrir ODE or opting for the Saroo cartridge, which allows you to load Saturn games using the cartridge slot.
"It's still early days, but early real-world fitment tests have me pretty confident that this shouldn't be much of a challenge to complete. Additional mounting and little things still need to be added (LED guides and other little finicky things)," adds WeskMods.
The modder has also shown off some alternative colour options for the concept:
It's already possible to buy modded Saturn consoles online that ditch the CD drive and reduce the height of the console, but these are often crudely finished off. We'd much prefer an elegant solution like this one.