The publisher Songbird Productions and developer Eclipse Software are teaming up to deliver a brand new Atari Jaguar port of the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga shoot 'em up Wings of Death.
Wings of Death was first released by Eclipse Software for the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga back in 1990 and was published at the time by Thalion Software. It is a vertically scrolling shooter that puts players in control of a wizard who has been transformed into an insect by an evil witch.
The goal of the game is to guide the mage in its transformed state through various levels, with the player being able to upgrade their powers and transform into various other forms, including an eagle, dragon, and griffin, on their way to restoring their humanity.

From what we've been able to find out the game is being made with the involvement of the original programmer Marc Rosocha, and will, according to Songbird, feature 60FPS gameplay, a high colour mode, and two versions of the soundtrack (one on a cartridge, and another on CD).
The game was shown earlier this year at JagFest2024, where the Atari fan Clint Thompson managed to capture some footage of the Jaguar port in action, which you can see below.
There's no word on a release date yet, with Songbird Productions currently suggesting it will be completed sometime next year.