The SuperSega pre-order campaign is in full swing, with the team behind the FPGA-based console saying that 200 orders have been placed so far.
The initial plan was to charge people three euros to secure their unit, but we've been told by Slopes Game Room that the full amount (375 euros + shipping) has been charged to his credit card less than a day after he submitted his pre-order.
He has checked with his credit card supplier, and this isn't a 'holding' payment; the bank has confirmed that the full amount is due to be taken from his credit card.

As was reported by Video Game Esoterica, the small print suggests that the SuperSega team can claim the full purchase cost of the device at any point after the initial three-euro pre-order is made. However, it was assumed that this would be closer to the point of release, which is expected to be 2025.
It would appear that SuperSega's infamously poor communication has led to this confusion. Here's what it says on the SuperSega site:
From 4th November and until End November 2024 you can Pre-Order your unit.
A 1st batch of 300-500 units aprox that were charged to those who pre-reseved with commitment before 4th November, as well as to those who Pre-Order until 30 of November, will be delivered early 2025
End November / beggining December we will launch a crowdfunding campaign, and for those who pre-reserved without commitment we will send a link to pre-order on crowdfunding website (to be choosen as of now). If we not reach the goal, all or nothing on crowdfunding, then only those 300-500 units will be delivered.
Pre-order Supersega by paying 375 € + shipping until 30 November 2024
The fact that the team is Spanish is perhaps leading to a communication issue here, but that statement could be seen as confirmation that anyone who pre-orders before the 4th will be charged the full amount – however, this has clearly confused some of the people who have already paid the three euro pre-order fee and weren't expecting to pay anything else at this point.
It's worth noting that the SuperSega team only has a single prototype at the moment, and that hasn't been shown running Dreamcast games as yet. There's no assurance whatsoever that the team can produce a working unit, let alone hundreds of them.
We've contacted SuperSega about this and have been given the following statement:
No, thats not an error. See updated website for more info. We are going to produce a 1st small batch, those people will get a early unit be early 2025.
Yesteday was 3th of November, we said until 4th of November, today, when we taken the decission to continue, produce this small batch and charge the pre-reserves with commitment, the amount of 375 € + 45 of international shipping.
Still from today till end of November, people is able to pre-order for the remaining units of this 1st bacth, at the same 375+45 euros price, see website.
End this month we will launch the crowdfunding.