Famed speedrunner Suigi has claimed all five major records associated with Super Mario 64, effectively enshrining himself as one of the greatest speedrunners of all time (thanks, GamesRadar).
There are five categories when it comes to completing Mario's 64-bit debut really fast: 120 star, 70 star, 16 star, 1 star, and 0 star. Suigi has spent years perfecting his skills in the game, and on November 17th, he secured the world record in all five – something that many people assumed was simply impossible.
According to Summoning Salt, an account which follows speedrunning world records, Suigi's stranglehold on those five categories might hold for some time yet. "Not only does Suigi hold all 5, but he holds most by a huge margin. Nobody else can even get close to some of these. His 16 star record in particular, maybe the most popular category in all of speedrunning, was set over a year ago and still leads by 6 full seconds."
"He's the best player in the game's history by far," Summoning Salt adds. "Others have been dominant in one category for a while, but being able to do it in all 5 is completely ridiculous. A definite candidate for the greatest speedrunner of all time."
Suigi himself doesn't know how long it will take for his latest record to topple, but says "1:34 could take a month or a couple years plus, we don’t know."
The speedrunning community has been quick to celebrate this event: