Mega Cat Studios has teamed up with Video Game Sage and Reddit's Retrogaming community page to create a new game for the SNES, sales of which will support the charity Child’s Play.
Super Excidium Event is described as "the SNES game that Reddit built" and came about when Mega Cat Studios and the r/Retrogaming community came together to brainstorm a new shmup.
"Set in deep space, this interstellar epic is a throwback to the glory days of arcade gaming that’s sure to soothe the itchiest of trigger fingers," reads the press release. "As intrepid space pilots soar across perilous alien terrain and master the game’s unique four-way weapons system, they’ll trade shots with deadly swarms of enemy ships and a bestiary of epic bosses hell-bent on reducing your sweet starfighter into a sad puff of space dust."
Proceeds from the sale of the game will benefit Child’s Play, the charity established in 2003 by Penny Arcade creators Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins which donates games and technology to pediatric hospitals "to improve patients’ lives through the power of play."