Revived British studio Argonaut is currently hard at work getting its HD remaster of Croc: Legend of the Gobbos ready for release, but some key members of the team have taken time out of their busy schedules to speak with the lovely folks over at My Life in Gaming – as well as show off over three hours of gameplay footage.
The stream includes insights from Argonaut founder Jez San, Croc lead artist Scott Butler, original Croc producer John Edelson and remaster producer Mike Arkin.
During the stream, the team goes into detail about how the remaster works, as well as the history of both Argonaut and Croc in general – including the Saturn port of the original game, which shipped with a rather embarrassing bug.
One of San's most interesting revelations is that the Croc HD remaster uses Unity, but not in the way you might expect:
Croc [HD] is actually based on the Croc PC source code. We had access to that. But it has Unity underneath it so, it's the Croc engine doing all the graphics that it knows how to do, and then it's Unity displaying it. It's not using Unity the way you would build a game today; it's using Unity as a 3D layer with our own code doing everything.
The steam also confirms that tank controls are included (and optional), but the original camera controls have been revised.