PigsyRetro, the lead developer behind an unofficial effort to bring Castlevania: Symphony of the Night to the Genesis / Mega Drive, has shown off a small demo which sees Sega's 16-bit console tackle the 2003 GBA entry Aria of Sorrow.
However, before you get too excited about this news, it's worth noting that this doesn't signal the intention to bring the game to the Genesis.
"I'm just using Aria of Sorrow environments that I have ported to the MD as a little 'playground' where I can test some programming concepts and enemy AI for my SotN game," says PigsyRetro. "No plans to actually do a full AoS port!"
In another post on social media, PigsyRetro admits that they have "really come to enjoy the MD's high contrast graphics," adding that "it would be interesting to see what Pyron could do with the Aria graphics, but he's already helping me enough with SotN so I won't bother him with this!"
Pyron refers to @GabrielPyron, who has worked on several high-profile Genesis homebrew projects in the past.
PigsyRetro explains that work continues on the SotN port, with the focus being to get all of the areas from the PS1 original into the game before looking at including the bonus levels from the Sega Saturn port.