Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
Image: @marexpo

Back in 2021, Taito released Darius Cozmic Collection on Steam, allowing players to experience a bunch of classic games in the iconic shoot 'em up series, from the comfort of their PC. This includes the original "Old Version" of the 1986 classic, which was intended to be played across three CRT screens positioned horizontally in an ultrawide format.

For the majority of people, to get the most out of this version, they would typically need to invest in their very own ultrawide monitor or take advantage of a dual-monitor setup. But, in the case of a small group of Japanese players, including the former Super Smash Bros Brawl level designer/planner and indie developer @marexpo, they have taken things slightly further, connecting the game up to a giant widescreen monitor at the event space 404 Not Found in Shibuya, Tokyo (@404_Shibuya) to create what could potentially be the ultimate way to play Darius.

Yesterday, @marexpo shared a 20-second video of the set-up, showing the game's practice mode in action on the big screen and calling the experience "a dream come true". And, since then, his posts have attracted a ton of attention online, with people suggesting other games they would personally like to see played on the screen, including The Ninja Warriors, X-Men 6-player mode, and Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III.

How do you rate this setup? Let us know in the comments!

[source x.com]