The Goonies MSX
Image: Konami

A new unofficial version of Konami's 1986 MSX platformer The Goonies has just been released by a group of developers called NOP, which impressively replaces the game's original audio with music and sound effects taken from the film of the same name (h/t:

According to the developers, the project was initially built as a technical showcase to test out the PSG sample routines they had devised for their custom compiler (as opposed to as "an actual game that people would play"), with all samples and sound effects that are included being mixed in realtime at 6khz on a 3.57mhz Z80 CPU. But now they have released a free demonstration over on their website, allowing people to take a closer look at their work, which can either be played in your browser of choice or downloaded and flashed to an MSX cartridge to work on real hardware.

The new version of the game adds 6 minutes of music as well as 2 minutes of sound effects in total, including the Cyndi Lauper tie-in single 'Goonies 'R' Good Enough' and sections of Dave Grusin's score, and is a remarkable feat β€” especially when you consider the MSX was first introduced way back in 1983.

For a detailed breakdown on how this all works, you can watch this video taken from MSX Devcon 2024, where Stephan Smetsers gave a presentation on the compiler and its audio capabilities. You can also visit their website to take a look at their other projects.

[source, via]