Hamster has announced that Namco's VS. Family Tennis will be released on Nintendo Switch and PS4, as reported by Famitsu.
VS. Family Tennis is as the title suggests a tennis game, which lets players select from 16 different characters.
It was released in 1987 for Nintendo's VS. System hardware and is a conversion of the earlier Famicom title Family Tennis. Despite the similar name, it shouldn't be confused with Nintendo's own set of Tennis titles, the 1984 game Tennis, or its VS. System counterpart VS. Tennis — both of which are entirely different games and bear no relation to Namco's efforts.
The game will be released on January 9th on the Japanese eShop and PlayStation Store and is expected to arrive on some international storefronts shortly after.
A special broadcast is taking place on the day of release on Hamster's YouTube channel, and will feature an appearance from the Bandai Namco producer Kazuhito Udetsu.