The Saroo flash cart for Saturn has become an essential upgrade for Sega's 32-bit console; it allows games to be booted via the system's expansion port without having to make any internal modifications.
Its creator, tpunix, has been slowly improving its features and compatibility during 2024, and the latest update – version 0.7 – is one of the best yet.
This update adds a new boot screen and cover artwork, both of which make things look a little more appealing. Cover artwork cannot be manually edited at present, but tpunix says it will be possible in a future update.
It also adds a much-requested feature – the ability to manage the Saroo's virtual memory card from the Saturn's menu, allowing you to move save data between system and cart memory.
We also have improved BIOS compatibility, better controller support, three new languages (Greek, Polish and Swedish) and the ability to boot copied CDs.
If you want some guidance on how to update your Saroo, then check out the video below.