Taito's arcade beat 'em up Thunder Fox, is scheduled to hit Arcade Archives later this week. It will be available on Nintendo Switch and PS4 starting from January 30th (h/t: Famitsu).
Thunder Fox was first released in the arcades back in 1990 and was later ported to the Sega Mega Drive one year later. It saw players pick from one of two anti-terrorist agents (either Thunder or Fox), as they battle through swarms of enemies across locations, such as ruined cities, large enemy aircraft, submarines, and exotic jungles.
Initially, players are only equipped with a knife, with the action starting off resembling your run-of-the-mill beat 'em up. Eventually, though, you will be able to pick up various weapons, including machine guns, flamethrowers, and bazookas, turning the gameplay into a run 'n-gun-style shooter. There is also a sidescrolling shoot'em up-style segment, with players being able to get behind the controls of a gyrocopter and battle airborne enemies.
Following its original release, the game was reissued as part of the Taito Legends compilation for Xbox, PC, and PlayStation 2 in 2005, and also later featured last year as part of the Taito Milestones 3 collection for Nintendo Switch.
In the case of the later collection, it was one of only two games out of the featured list of titles that had not yet been released individually on Nintendo Switch, at the time of release. This indicates that we should probably expect to see Dead Connection get a standalone release in the near future too.
Here's some footage, courtesy of Hamster's YouTube channel: