24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing" 1
Image: Damien McFerran / Time Extension

Following hot on the heels of a report which claims that 14 percent of North Americans still play on gaming systems released before 2000, a new study has revealed that 24 percent of 'Gen Z' (people aged between 13 and 28) own a classic gaming platform (thanks, Metro).

For context, a 13-year-old would have been born when the Wii U was making its fateful debut, while a 28-year-old would have come into the world just as the N64 was making its presence felt.

The studyā€”which polled 2,000 British peopleā€”was conducted by Pringles (for some reason), which recently held a 'Retro Console Clinic' in London that offered free repairs for classic consoles.

89 percent of the gamers polled said that old-school, offline retro games give them a break from the web, and 74 percent agreed that vintage games are more relaxing to play. 77 percent said that retro technology has a nostalgic pull for them, with the remaining 23 percent presumably buying this stuff without having experienced it the first time around.

The appeal of retro tech extends to things like mobile phones, vinyl and other media. 30 percent of Britons even go as far as to say they're thinking about trading in their smartphone for a 'dumbphone', for example.

[source metro.co.uk]