After years in the wilderness, Capcom's Onimusha franchise has really kicked into life again recently, what with a new instalment (Onimusha: Way of the Sword) and a remaster (Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny) on the way.
That begs the question, will we see more Onimusha titles get the remaster treatment in the future?
2004's Onimusha 3: Demon Siege is the obvious candidate; it was critically acclaimed at the time of release and stars the French actor Jean Reno (Leon, Godzilla) in a lead role. Could we see it resurrected for a new audience?
Our friends over at VG247 got in touch with Reno's agent, who gave the following statement:
Of course, Jean would be pleased to reprise his role in Onimusha 3.
Brief and to the point, but encouraging nonetheless.
If Capcom does remaster the third game, then it would make sense for Reno to come back on board; after all, with 2018's Onimusha: Warlords remaster, original actor Takeshi Kaneshiro returned to re-record his dialogue.